One of the introductory concepts of the microprocessor is the logic of programming it, which addresses the issues of distance, speed, time and acceleration. Several solutions are pointed out as didactic and pedagogical for the theoretical-practical explanation of these contents, one of the most promising being the use of robotics. Motivated by this problem, the authors of this work have developed a hardware and software solution comprising a vehicle (robotic device). This 'cart' is able to engage in a competition where it aims to pop the opponent's balloon into an arena bounded by a ribbon where a region will be demarcated (sensors read this tape to not leave the arena and the ultrasonic sensor recognizes its closest opponent and moves toward the target). With the cart, it will be possible to teach in a fun way some concept on microprocessors applied to electronics to make the learning easier and the knowledge more consolidated, as well as to maximize the understanding on hardware and software, in the platforms Arduino and, that is part of the introductory contents
Published on 29/11/18
Submitted on 28/11/18
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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