• F. Gómez, L. Puentes, A. Sisto, A. Porco, P. Bentancourt
    Evaluación preliminar de la capacidad de desaromatización de aislados bacterianos sobre una corriente de refinería (Light Cycle Oil) (2020). Vol. 6, N◦ 19, 128–136

    Light Cycle Oil (LCO) is a by-product of Fluidized Catalytic Fractionation (FCC) considered a poor-quality diesel due to its high content of sulfur (3 % by weight) and aromatic [...]

  • Energía geotérmica, fuentes minero-medicinales (2020). Vol. 6, Nro. 19, 121-127

    Geothermal energy is presented through different sources and has various uses, such as hot springs, which can be classified based on geological origin (magmatic and telluric), [...]


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