Petronila Liz Contreras Yalico's personal collection (2019). 8
El artículo analiza “El Caso Mundial” y “El Caso Criminal”, ambos periódicos de eventos que surgieron en España después de la desaparición de “El Caso” (Madrid, 1952-1987), y fue publicado por el empresario y periodista Joaquín Abad. . Se ha realizado poca investigación en este periódico que llegó a llenar el vacío dejado por 'El Caso', dirigido por Eugenio Suárez. Las fuentes consultadas muestran que se trata realmente de una nueva publicación periodística, similar a la original, pero diferente. Por lo tanto, no puede considerarse una segunda etapa. Se imprimió y distribuyó desde Almería durante diez años (1987-1997), aunque tuvo un alcance nacional. Su estilo informativo, contenido, directores y las causas que llevaron a su finalización el 24 de septiembre de 1997.
Abstract El artículo analiza “El Caso Mundial” y “El Caso Criminal”, ambos periódicos de eventos que surgieron en España después [...]
Petronila Liz Contreras Yalico's personal collection (2019). 7
This article start with a research completed in 2018, whose goal was to identify situations and causes of physical, emotional, social and economic vulnerability of the students of the Social Communication´s program. In pursuit of this aim, four discussion groups, 125 surveys shaped with 49 closed questions each, provided the information for the analysis. The results of the research, enabled the identification of some socioeconomic characteristics of the students, such as that the program average student lives in low-middle class neighborhoods, does not get to have three proper meals a day and depends on his family to pay their student fees and their sustenance. The research also showed that belonging to the LGBTIQ+ population, parenting, and financial difficulties, represent some bigger student vulnerability conditions which impact in the quality of the training environment and the forming process itself.
Abstract This article start with a research completed in 2018, whose goal was to identify situations and causes of physical, emotional, social and economic vulnerability of the students [...]
Petronila Liz Contreras Yalico's personal collection (2019). 6
Given the complex crisis experienced by Venezuela, which has provoked a systematic defection of university students, there is a need to structure a training plan for entrepreneurs, to create new businesses, where youth have a leading role, strengthening a culture of entrepreneurship compatible with Andragogical, participatory and flexible philosophy of Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez (UNESR).
Abstract Given the complex crisis experienced by Venezuela, which has provoked a systematic defection of university students, there is a need to structure a training plan for entrepreneurs, [...]
Petronila Liz Contreras Yalico's personal collection (2019). 5
This paper analyzes the information treatment of the Mapuche people in the newspaper El Mercurio during two periods. First, between 1950 and 1973 (twentieth century); and second, during the years 2010, 2013 and 2014, (21st century). To this end, a corpus of 340 journalistic texts has been selected, of which 147 correspond to the 20th century (1950-1970) and 193, to the 21st century (2010, 2013-2014). The analysis shows that most of the frames are linked to conflicts, criminal prosecutions and arson attacks; so that El Mercurio prioritizes connotations and negative events to inform about the Mapuche indigenous people.
Abstract This paper analyzes the information treatment of the Mapuche people in the newspaper El Mercurio during two periods. First, between 1950 and 1973 (twentieth century); and [...]
This paper focus on implementation of communication strategies developed in the Rehabilitation of Potable Water and Sewerage Network Lote 3 project, executed between 2013 and 2014 in the district of Comas, north of Lima-Peru, and belonging to the Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Lima (SEDAPAL), company responsible for water and sewage in Lima. As a result, it could be observed that the implementation of a diagnosis of perceptions, the communication plan and the communication and education products allowed to facilitate the design of messages according to the context of the project, taking into account the speeches of the users against and in favor of the project, as well as the objectives sought by the executing company.
Abstract This paper focus on implementation of communication strategies developed in the Rehabilitation of Potable Water and Sewerage Network Lote 3 project, executed between 2013 [...]
The essay makes a description of the strategical role the play public relations during electoral campaigns. In the beginning, the essay conceptualizes public relations and its connection with political campaigns. It is argued that make an electoral campaign imply a public relation activity with the objective of knowing the voters and make up different political strategies to get their votes and, consequently, avoid the opposition can win the political power. It is concluded that the successful in a political campaigns depends on the creative, intelligent and innovative use of public relations.
Abstract The essay makes a description of the strategical role the play public relations during electoral campaigns. In the beginning, the essay conceptualizes public relations and [...]
Petronila Liz Contreras Yalico's personal collection (2019). 2
This paper explores the contributions of transmedia storytelling in the construction of fictional worlds, in an attempt to detect the narrative elements that strengthen the bond of the audience with the fictional world. The study shows that based on the solid construction of the poetics of a story, transmedia storytelling can enrich the engagement with a large audience. To prove this, we analyze the narrative elements and the transmedia strategies of the series Aliados, produced by Cris Morena Group and broadcasted in Latin America and countries in Europe.
Abstract This paper explores the contributions of transmedia storytelling in the construction of fictional worlds, in an attempt to detect the narrative elements that strengthen the [...]
When analyzing any branding work we tend to simplify a process that by its nature is enormously complex and multidisciplinary. There is an important current of opinion that tends to reduce the creation of a brand to its logo or to the group of elements that will articulate the visual identity in a sort of cosmetic image, or purely aesthetic. Either by understanding branding as a superficial expense and not as a strategic investment, due to ignorance of the discipline, short-sightedness, lack of means and / or professionals or, by a mixture of all these factors, the brands themselves devalue in many cases from the moment they make the decision not to face their construction in a studied way, serious and coherent.
Abstract When analyzing any branding work we tend to simplify a process that by its nature is enormously complex and multidisciplinary. There is an important current of opinion that [...]