• H. Tschöpe, E. Oñate, P. Wriggers
    Monograph CIMNE (2001). M61

    The objective of this monograph is to apply the computation methods for critical points to more complex mechanical problems involving inequality constraints. Prior to this [...]

  • L. Agulló, R. Gettu, A. Aguado, H. Saldivar
    Monograph CIMNE (2000). M54

    En este documento se presentan la metodología seguida y los resultados obtenidos en el contexto de un exhaustivo estudio experimental encaminado a la caracterización [...]

  • Monograph CIMNE (1998). M55

    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto hacer una revisión introductoria sobre el estado actual delos pulvimateriales y en particular sobre los nuevos cer´amicos [...]

  • Monograph CIMNE (2000). M57

    La principal dificultad que se encuentra en el momento de diseñar estructuras con materiales compuestos es la falta de modelos constitutivos que permitan si- mular [...]

  • J. Estupiñan, E. Oñate, B. Suárez
    Monograph CIMNE (1999). M47

    En este trabajo se desarrollan diferentes métodos evolutivos para la optimización topológica de estructuras resistentes: Algoritmo Genético, Estrategias [...]

  • M. Vázquez, R. Codina, O. Zienkiewicz
    Monograph CIMNE (1999). M50

    This work is about the development of a general algorithm for the numerical solution of flow equations: the Navier-Stokes set. This set of differential equations models the [...]

  • Monograph CIMNE (1999). M48

    The  main objective of the research presented in this work is the formulation, analysis and implementation of efficient numerical algorithms for dissipate dynamical systems [...]

  • A. Suero, S. Oller
    Monograph CIMNE (1998). M45

    En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un nuevo modelo constitutivo, basado en la mecánica de medios continuos, que permite modelar el comportamiento a fatiga isotérmica [...]

  • J. López, S. Oller, E. Oñate
    Monograph CIMNE (1998). M46

    La mampostería es uno de los materiales de construcción con mayor abanico de usos, ya sea en el pasado como en el presente, así es como hoy en día [...]

  • A. Puigferrat, E. Oñate, I. Pouplana
    Monograph CIMNE (2021). M193, 114 pp.

    The objective of the work is to develop a numerical tool to describe how the concentration of one or more substances distributed in a fluid environment changes under the effect [...]

  • Monograph CIMNE (2021). M192

    It is well known that in civil engineering structures are designed so that they remain, whenever possible, in an elastic regime and with their mechanical properties intact. [...]

  • D. Roca, J. Cante, O. Lloberas-Valls, X. Oliver
    Monograph CIMNE (2020). M191

    The notion of metamaterials as artificially engineered structures designed to obtain specific material properties, typically unachievable in naturally occurring materials, [...]

  • Monograph CIMNE (2020). M190

    This document contains the result resulting from the work in the doctoral thesis Innovative mathematical and numerical models for studying the deformation of shells during [...]

  • R. Zorrilla, E. Oñate, R. Rossi
    Monograph CIMNE (2020). M189

    This monograph develops a numerical tool (the Virtual Wind Tunnel, VWT) for the reso-lution of problems involving fluid flow around structures. Due to the limitations that [...]

  • S. Bonilla, E. Soudah
    Monograph CIMNE (2018). M182

    Through the interconnection of electrical elements such as a resistor, inductor and capacitor, has been developed a reduced-order model of the arterial system capable of describing [...]

  • I. Iaconeta, E. Oñate, A. LARESE
    Monograph CIMNE (2019). M188

    Bulk handling, transport and processing of granular materials and powders are fundamental operations in a wide range of industrial processes and geophysical phenomena. Particulate [...]

  • P. Frontera, J. Hernández
    Monograph CIMNE (2019). M186

    The physics lying behind rotordynamics is complex tomodel, so that in many cases numerical processing is the only feasible approach. Being rotordynamics a field of great [...]

  • P. Dadvand, E. Oñate
    Monograph CIMNE (2008). M109

    The world of computing simulation has experienced great progresses in recent years and requires more exigent multidisciplinary challenges to satisfy the new upcoming demands. [...]

  • A. Coll, M. Pasenau, E. Escolano, J. Pérez, A. Melendo
    Monograph CIMNE (2008). M110

    The extended use of simulation programs has leaned on the advances in user-friendly interfaces and in the capability to generate meshes for any generic complex geometry. More [...]


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Engineering, Civil

Engineering, Industrial

Engineering, Marine

Engineering, Ocean