Plenary Lectures

  • S. Foti*, R. Salgado, R. Lancellotta

    Michele Jamiolkowski was deeply interested in many topics in geotechnical engineering. The link between his many contributions to the discipline was his deep appreciation [...]

  • P. Breul, P. Reiffsteck

    The dynamic penetrometer is a common technique in geotechnical exploration and widely deployed throughout the world. However, while this technique has many advantages, it [...]

  • L. Monforte*, M. Arroyo, A. Gens

    With the advancement of computational geomechanics over the past decades, most of the activities typical of site characterization, such as in situ testing or sampling, can [...]

  • J. Estaire, T. Schweckendiek

    The purpose of this paper is to introduce the geotechnical engineering community to the treatment of uncertainties in site characterization within the framework of the second-generation [...]

  • J. Ching*, K. Phoon

    This paper reviews some recent advancements that address the challenges faced by the broad application area of datadriven site characterization (DDSC). The challenges include [...]

  • C. Comina*

    Geotechnical parameters of linearly extended earth structures, such as embankments and earth dams, are usually obtained from localized investigations through drilling or penetration [...]

  • C. Cornou*

    Site characterization methods to extract the shear-wave velocity (Vs) structure over the first few tens to few hundred of meters or the soil’s resonance frequency using [...]

  • B. Stuyts*

    During geotechnical and geophysical site characterisation for large infrastructure projects, significant data volumes are being collected which need to be processed and interpreted. [...]

  • A. Martinez*, Y. Chen, R. Anilkumar

    Equipment used for site investigation activities like drill rigs are typically large and heavy to provide sufficient reaction mass to overcome the soil’s penetration resistance. [...]


Advances in CPTu testing and interpretation

Advances in geophysical ground characterization

Advances in geotechnical site characterization

Characterization for thermo-hydraulic problems

Characterization of non-textbook materials

Data-driven site characterization

Digital and intelligent site characterization

Dynamic penetrometers for soil characterization

Emerging technologies in site characterization for Offshore Wind Towers

Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Advanced Dynamic Characterization of Geomaterials

Field monitoring in geomechanics

From measurement to reliable in situ geotechnical site characterization – statistical data processing

Geotechnical characterization of mine tailings

Innovation in DMT & SDMT testing

Modelling spatial variabilty and uncertainty

Monitoring while drilling & borehole based site investigation

Numerical modelling of in-situ tests

Pressuremeter Tests

Real-time monitoring of natural and human-made landforms

Soil stiffness by direct push and other methods

Sources of error in CPTu testing


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