20 Years of Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations: Progress, Challenges, and Future

  • T. Gomes, G. Vaz, A. Maximiano, L. Sileo, V. Krasilnikov
    ECCOMAS 2024.

    With the rapid evolution of o↵shore wind energy, engineering tools are crucial to catalyze technological developments and increase their maturity, therefore leading [...]

Accelerating scientific discovery for dynamical systems with physics-informed machine learning

Active Programmability and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanical Metamaterials

Adaptive and Compliant Engineering Structures

Advanced and efficient numerical strategies in Contact Mechanics

Advanced Discretization Schemes and Solution Strategies for Computational Structural Dynamics

Advanced Materials: Computational Analysis of Properties and Performance

Advanced Methods for the Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis and Optimisation of Lightweight Composite Structures

Advanced Parallel Algorithms for Extreme-Scale Simulations

Advancements in multi-scale, multi-physics computational methods for heterogeneous porous media

Advances and Applications in Meshfree, Particle, and Peridynamic Methods

Advances in Computational Mathematics

Advances in machine learning for composite materials

Advances In Modelling and Simulation for High-Speed Aerodynamics

Advances in natural hazards simulation

Advances in numerical methods for atmosphere and ocean dynamics simulations

Advances in Numerical Methods for Solution Of PDEs

Advances in structural and multidisciplinary optimization

Advances In The Design Of Architectured Metamaterials

Advances in Turbulence Modeling using Nonlocal Derivatives, Implicit LES and Deep Learning

Advances in UQ and Data-driven Methods for Scale-resolving Turbulence Simulations

Bayesian Inversion for model calibration and digital twinning in engineering

Bridging Disciplines and Scales for Sustainable Cement and Concrete

Coarse Graining Turbulence: Modeling and Data-Driven Approaches and Their Applications

Combining Physics-Based and Data-Driven Approaches for Uncertainty Quantification

Complex Fluid Flows in Engineering: Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization

Computational & Data-Driven Approaches for Turbulent Dynamical Systems

Computational Analysis of Advanced Materials and Structures

Computational Biomechanics and Applications

Computational Cardiology: Modeling and Simulating the Heart

Computational Challenges in Industry and Sustainable Development: Sampling, Surrogate and Multi-fidelity Models for Inverse Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification and Optimisation

Computational Kinetic Theory

Computational mechanics in high-strain rate and impact dynamics

Computational Methods for Enabling Digital Twins

Computational Methods for Multiphase Flows with Liquid-Vapor Transition

Computational Methods for Soft Robotics

Computer Methods in Cell-Scale Biomechanics and Mechanobiology

Contributions of EU-funded projects managed by CINEA towards greener and digital transport

Cutting-Edge Computational Design, Optimization, and Additive Manufacturing of Revolutionary Materials and Structures

Data-Driven Simulation of Flow and Multi-Physics Problems

Data-Enhanced Reduced Order Modeling

Deep Learning Computing

Development and Applications of Computational Methods for Digital Twins

Drag Reduction for Transport Aircraft

Efficient CAD-based discretization methods

Electrohydrodynamic and Beyond

Electromagnetic Problems Arising in Industry: Modelling and Numerical Techniques

Engineering the Future: Advancements in Industrial Aerodynamic Simulations

Exploring New Avenues for the Interaction of Numerical Methods for PDEs and Deep Learning

General Session

Gradient-Based and Gradient-Free Optimization Methods, with emphasis on Innovative Designs for a Climate Neutral Aviation

Hemodynamics Models for the Design of Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS) Technologies

HPC Simulations and AI for the Wide Industrial Realm

Innovative Methods for Fluid-Structure Interaction

Isogeometric Methods

Latest advancements and trends in multi-physics research for civil engineering applications

Machine and Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Computational Mechanics

Machine learning and data-driven approaches for optimization and uncertainty quantification in aerodynamics

Mechanics of Wood and Biocomposites in Engineering

Modeling Failure in Composite Materials

Modelling and Optimization of Functionally Graded Composites and Structures

Modelling and Simulation for Additive Manufacturing

Modelling, monitoring and retrofitting strategies of masonry structures in seismic areas

Modern Approaches To Multiphase Flows in Microfluidics: bubbles, droplets, wetting, and transport in complex media

Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimisation (MDAO) in Large Scale and High Fidelity for Industrial Applications

Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimisation (MDAO) in Large Scale and High Fidelity for Industrial Applications

Multi-Scale Advanced Modelling and Design of Variable-Stiffness Composite Structures

Multiscale Modeling of Vascular Growth and Remodeling

New Trends in Computational Modelling of Masonry Material and Structures

Nonlinear Computational Aspects in Structural Dynamics and Engineering Science

Novel Advances in Numerical Methods for Wave Propagation Phenomena in Complex Media

Numerical Methods for Interface-Resolved Multiphase Flows

Numerical Modeling and Data Analysis for Advancing Sustainable Innovation

Numerical simulations of wind turbines and windfarms

Optimization Problems in Computational Mechanics: from Material Design to Structural Analysis

Optimization under Uncertainty

Phase Field Formulation for Fracture and Its Applications

PhD Olympiad

Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Structural Health Monitoring: Emerging Trends and Open Issues

Prospects for Green Aircraft: Critical Technologies and Operational Aspects driving Overall Design

Recent Advances in Accelerated Simulations for Solid, Fluid and Coupled Problems: Implementations and Applications

Recent Advances of Computational Methods in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Biomechanics

Recent trends in elastic and acoustic metamaterials

Reconciling Physical Fidelity, Robustness and Efficiency in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Robust and Scalable Solvers in HPC: Recent Developments and Future Challenges

Scientific Machine Learning for Modelling and Simulation

Shape and topology optimization: theoretical advances and numerical methods

Stability and Sensitivity Methods for Flow Control and Industrial Design

STS: Advanced CFD applications for complex aircraft configurations

Towards Digital Twins for Infrastructures

Towards Next-Generation Aircraft Design with High-Fidelity Simulation Technologies

Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Dynamics


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