• Fire (2025). https://www.mdpi.com/2571-6255/8/1/29

    Тhis article offers a concise overview of the best practices for safety in offshore oil and gas operations, focusing on the risks associated with various types of equipment, [...]

  • Discover Energy (2024). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43937-024-00056-2

    This article consists of two main parts, both in relation to Serbia’s accession to the European Union EU in relation to its energy sector: (1) Political and policy issues, [...]

  • Computation (2024). Brkić D. Two Iterative Methods for Sizing Pipe Diameters in Gas Distribution Networks with Loops. Computation. 2024; 12(2):25.

    Closed-loop pipe systems allow the possibility of the flow of gas from both directions across each route, ensuring supply continuity in the event of a failure at one point, [...]

  • Serbian energy sector in a gap between east and west (2024). 1. Brkić, D. (2024). Serbian energy sector in a gap between east and west. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, Vol. 42, No. 1, 330-340., https://doi.org/10.1177/01445987231215445, eISSN 2048-4054 (online version) - ISSN 0144-5987 (printed version)

    Serbia’s energy sector is heavily reliant on Russian influence. On the other hand, Serbia’s status as a candidate country for joining the European Union (EU) [...]

  • D. Brkić, P. Praks, R. Praksová, T. Kozubek
    Axioms (2023). Brkić, D.; Praks, P.; Praksová, R.; Kozubek, T. Symbolic Regression Approaches for the Direct Calculation of Pipe Diameter. Axioms 2023, 12, 850. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms12090850

    This study provides novel and accurate symbolic regression-based solutions for the calculation of pipe diameter when flow rate and pressure drop (head loss) are known, together [...]

  • Dejan Brkić's personal collection (2023). 2

    This article should examine ideas of how a chatbot can support decision making processes by collecting general opinion about the certain topics. The ChatGPT is tested in this [...]

  • Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (2023). Brkić, D. and Praks, P., 2023. Discussion of “Explicit Solution for Pipe Diameter Problem Using Lambert W-Function”. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 149(7), p.07023016. https://doi.org/10.1061/JIDEDH.IRENG-10071

  • Axioms (2022). Praks, P.; Lampart, M.; Praksová, R.; Brkić, D.; Kozubek, T.; Najser, J. Selection of Appropriate Symbolic Regression Models Using Statistical and Dynamic System Criteria: Example of Waste Gasification. Axioms 2022, 11, 463.

    In this paper, we analyze the interpretable models from real gasification datasets of the project “Centre for Energy and Environmental Technologies” (CEET) discovered [...]

  • S. Easa, A. Lamri, D. Brkić
    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (2022). Easa SM, Lamri AA, Brkić D. Reliability-Based Criterion for Evaluating Explicit Approximations of Colebrook Equation. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022; 10(6):803. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10060803

    Numerous explicit approximations of the Colebrook equation have been developed and evaluated based on two criteria: prediction accuracy and computational efficiency. This [...]

  • M. Milošević, D. Brkić, P. Praks, D. Litričin, Z. Stajić
    Axioms (2022). Milošević, Marko, Dejan Brkić, Pavel Praks, Dragan Litričin, and Zoran Stajić. 2022. "Hydraulic Losses in Systems of Conduits with Flow from Laminar to Fully Turbulent: A New Symbolic Regression Formulation" Axioms 11, no. 5: 198. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11050198

    Separate flow friction formulations for laminar and turbulent regimes of flow through pipes are in common use in engineering practice. However, variation of different parameters [...]

  • J. Vysocký, L. Foltyn, D. Brkić, R. Praksová, P. Praks
    Sustainability (2022). Vysocký, J.; Foltyn, L.; Brkić, D.; Praksová, R.; Praks, P. Steady-State Analysis of Electrical Networks in Pandapower Software: Computational Performances of Newton–Raphson, Newton–Raphson with Iwamoto Multiplier, and Gauss–Seidel Methods. Sustainability 2022, 14, 2002. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14042002

    At the core of every system for the efficient control of the network steady-state operation is the AC-power-flow problem solver. For local distribution networks to continue [...]

  • Axioms (2022). Praks, P.; Brkić, D. Approximate Flow Friction Factor: Estimation of the Accuracy Using Sobol’s Quasi-Random Sampling. Axioms 2022, 11, 36. https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11020036

    The unknown friction factor from the implicit Colebrook equation cannot be expressed explicitly in an analytical way, and therefore to simplify the calculation, many explicit [...]

  • Fire (2021). Brkić, Dejan, and Pavel Praks. 2021. "Probability Analysis and Prevention of Offshore Oil and Gas Accidents: Fire as a Cause and a Consequence" Fire 4, no. 4: 71. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire4040071

    ailures during the drilling and exploitation of hydrocarbons that result in catastrophic offshore oil and gas accidents are relatively rare but if they occur the consequences [...]

  • D. Brkić, Z. Stajić
    Facta Universitatis, series: Mechanical Engineering (FU Mech Eng) (2021). Brkić, D. and Stajić, Z., 2021. Excel VBA-Based User Defined Functions for Highly Precise Colebrook’s Pipe Flow Friction Approximations: A Comparative Overview. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering 9(2):7267. Available from: http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUMechEng/article/view/7267

    This review paper gives Excel functions for highly precise Colebrook’s pipe flow friction approximations developed by users. All shown codes are implemented as User [...]

  • D. Brkić, Z. Stajić
    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (2021). 9(3), article 331.

    Offshore oil and gas operations carry a high risk of explosions, which can be efficiently prevented in many cases. The two most used approaches for prevention are: (1) the [...]

  • M. Amon, M. Radić, Z. Stajić, D. Brkić, P. Praks
    Water (2021). 13(6), article 796.

    In the absence of a flowmeter or due to its inaccuracy, the flow rate at the discharge section of the pipeline following the observed pump can be roughly estimated if the [...]

  • P. Praks, D. Brkić
    Reports in Mechanical Engineering (2020). Vol. 1, No. 1, 2020, pp. 174-179. ISSN: 2683-5894

    This article analyses a form of the empirical Colebrook’s pipe flow friction equation given originally by the Lambert W-function and recently also by the Wright ω-function. [...]

  • P. Praks, D. Brkić
    Dejan Brkić's personal collection (2020). 59

  • D. Brkić, P. Praks
    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (2020). 8(8), article 555

    Ships for drilling need to operate in the territorial waters of many different countries which can have different technical standards and procedures. For example, the European [...]

  • D. Brkić, P. Praks
    Processes (2020). 8(6), article 686

    Measurements of pressure drop during experiments with fan-induced air flow in the open-cathode proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) show that flow friction in its [...]



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