• . , L. Obiols Bragulat, P. Bonet, E. Idoate
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 54

    L’autonomia tributària, o poder tributari, és un concepte que engloba diferents aspectes de la capacitat que tenen els governs per a determinar la seva [...]

  • P. Gómez, O. Amat
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 180

    Justificació del seu interès: El futbol professional ha experimentat una transformació significativa, convertint-se en una indústria multimilionària [...]

  • (. MEDIAMBIENTAL, D. Bermejo Perramón
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 122

    L'interès de la comunicació en aquest context es centra en oferir una visió detallada i profunda del sector inversor enfocat en la sostenibilitat [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 88

      Historically, women have been underrepresented in technical careers, those related to finance, and in entrepreneurship. However, recent trends indicate significant [...]

  • L. Obiols Bragulat, P. Heras, M. Reyes
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 50

    El sistema de finançament dels governs intermedis és una figura cabdal a les finances dels governs intermedis o subcentrals, ja que proporciona als diferents [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 24

    L’any 2000 la Divisió de Població de Nacions Unides, va publicar l’informe Replacement Migration: Is it A Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?, [...]

  • A. Maddahi, C. Méndez-Ortega, E. Palau
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 108

    In a global context of raising urbanization rates, the study of land use and land cover changes (LULCC) has gained growing importance. This research aims to investigate the [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 97

    En el debat sobre la necessitat d’ampliar els aeroports per tal de reduir els problemes de congestió i donar cabuda a una major demanda potencial, cal tenir en [...]

  • D. Igual, M. Perdiguer
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 92

    La intensitat del canvi demogràfic dels propers anys amb l'envelliment de la població i l'arribada a edats avançades de les àmplies cohorts [...]

  • P. Linares, N. Collado, Á. Galindo
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 121

    El Mecanismo de Ajuste al Carbono en Frontera (CBAM), recientemente aprobado por la Comisión Europea, pretende gravar los productos importados en función de [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 20

    Anàlisi de les exportacions de béns catalanes i la seva complexitat econòmica: Abstract pel "IV Congrés d’Economia i Empresa: Eix 2. [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 58

    És notori i fora de dubte que les societats del primer món estan sotmeses a un procés d’envelliment constant i progressiu, fet que alhora actua [...]

  • Bhavinbhai Lakhani's personal collection (2018). 3

    This thesis studied the definition of a green building and the elements associated with the construction of sustainability. There are many rating systems available across [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 65

    Recerca i desenvolupament, dos grans conceptes que junts sonen més fort. I és que, a l’hora de parlar de la fortalesa, competitivitat, i futur d’un [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 64

    Economistes tan reconeguts com ara Joseph Schumpeter o Robert Solow ja plantejaven el salt tecnològic i la innovació empresarial com un dels principals catalitzadors [...]

  • C. Fernández, C. Fernández
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 148

    PortAventura World existeix per a crear un impacte positiu en les persones i en l'entorn. En aquest sentit, l'impacte socioeconòmic de l'activitat desenvolupada [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 26

    L’estudi de la qualitat dels llocs de treball està prenent cada cop més rellevància. Organismes com l’OIT, l’Eurofound o l’OCDE [...]

  • L. Zhang, X. Gu, Q. Zhao
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 20

    In the burgeoning epoch of big data, the imperative for secure computer network data storage is confronted with formidable challenges, including the perils of data breaches [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 5

      Justification Although the complexities of the current environment are evident, giving rise to expressions such as “polycrisis” or “a crisis-prone [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 157

    Justificació L'ascens de la professió d'Economista va tenir una fita fa dos segles, amb la consagració de la denominació de “Economia [...]

  • Joan Tugores's personal collection (2024). 2

      Justificació L'ascens de la professió d'Economista va tenir una fita fa dos segles, amb la consagració de la denominació de [...]

  • J. Liu, D. Liu, F. Shang, K. Yang, X. Cao, C. Zheng
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 22

    The Pulsating Heat Pipe (PHP), lauded for its efficacy in heat transfer, is distinguished by its uncomplicated architecture, economical production, diminutive form, and robust [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 158

    In the digital economy era, the role of data resources in corporate development is increasingly prominent. The accounting treatment of corporate data resources is an urgent [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 98

    Quan mesurem equipaments com escoles, hospitals, o policia podem acudir a aules, llits, o agents per mil habitats. I encara podem també dividir la despesa del pressupost [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 7

    Este documento tiene como objetivo analizar las perspectivas de reforma de la gobernanza global en el marco de la Cumbre del Futuro que tendrá lugar en septiembre de [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 119

    Ideas of a circular economy are central to the European Green Deal and have become ubiquitous in policy, both at the European and at the national level. First formulated as [...]

  • M. Garriga, A. Garriga
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 177

    La realitat empresarial catalana té trets comuns a tot el país, però territorialment el teixit econòmic és ben divers. Realment, quan es [...]

  • E. Zhao, A. Huenger
    J. of Dawn. R. (2024). Vol. 6, 5

    Eutrophication affects 65% of coastal and 53% of freshwater regions in the US but no scalable cyanobacterial degradation methods exist. Piezocatalysis harnesses mechanical [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 71

      The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) marks a pivotal moment in the reconfiguration of economic and social structures. As we observe the early stages [...]

  • Bibliografia Dighe Italiane (2016). ITCOLD


  • H. Li, H. Peng, Z. Zhang
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 19

    This paper proposes a self-filling exhaust-type natural vacuum solar distillation system for seawater desalination, which aligns with China’s “green, low-carbon, [...]

  • Enel Innovation Contest 2023

  • Consiglio Nazionale Ingegneri

  • (2018). European Club of the International Commission of Large Dams

  • (2010).

    The Twin Towers Collapse: Event Analyses and Structural Lessons

  • Abstract
    Presentation at Politecnico di Torino

  • Abstract
    Seminario «Energie Rinnovabili e Ambiente Montano» Realizzazione di impianti mini idro

  • Abstract
    Bibliography on Italian Dams - ITCOLD Working Group

  • . DISEG, P. Torino, A. Calvi
    USSD Conference on Dams - 2014

    Robustness plays a relevant role in the capacity of a structure to sustain abnormal loads or to deal with unexpected events with large effects, such as explosions and terroristic [...]

  • Alessandro Calvi's personal collection (2024). 14

    The Italian Committee on Large Dams has established a forum for young engineers to overcome the challenges of a generational gap in experience.

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 70

    La sequera acusada que viu Catalunya des de fa més de 3 anys ha implicat importants reptes competitius per a molts sectors, amb especial èmfasis amb aquells [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 99

    MOTIVATION: Economic rationality dictates that investment in the supply of transport should be prioritized where there is demand, but the policies followed by Spanish governments [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 19

    ¿Existe un modelo para explicar la economía de Cataluña? ¿Cómo puede ser explicado el crecimiento económico regional? Responder a [...]

  • W. Li, Y. Ma
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 34

    In the contemporary epoch, bolstered by information technology, the quintessence of networks is ubiquitously manifested, with a plethora of network types—ranging from [...]

  • Alessandro Calvi's personal collection (2024). 10

    This paper deals with the issue of structural collapse considering an analogy between ductile-brittle transition of materials, taking into account the current literature which [...]

  • cssm (2024). 3

    This paper deals with the issue of structural collapse considering an analogy between ductile-brittle transition of materials, taking into account the current literature which [...]

  • J. of Dawn. R. (2024). Vol. 6, 7

    Depression is a global mental health issue generalized by a decrease in mood and satisfaction. Treatments for individuals afflicted with depressive symptoms include prescribed [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 118

    Justificació: Amb el RD 244/2019 de 5 d’abril es va obrir la porta a poder compartir energia autogenerada entre punts de generació i de consum que complissin [...]

  • S. Huang, M. Melika, T. Gao, L. Wang, J. Cohen
    J. of Dawn. R. (2024). Vol. 6, 6

    Previous studies show that plants can recognize and respond to different sounds, such as insect-chewing and running water. Prior research demonstrated that plants can learn [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 194

    For decades, the benefits of expanding international trade and foreign direct investment seemed unquestionable. However, the COVID19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine [...]

  • A. Serrando, V. Bottini
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 25

    Autora: Montserrat Cerqueda Serrando, degana del l’Il·lustríssim Col·legi de Graduats Socials de Barcelona, Girona i Lleida. Nom de l’eix: [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 36

    D’acord amb la Directiva 2011/85/UE del Consell, de 8 de novembre de 2011, sobre els requisits aplicables als marcs pressupostaris dels Estats membres, s’entén [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 176

    La infraestructura verda és l’ecosistema necessari per a la vida. La natura en forma part i d’ella ens proveïm d’aliments i de productes renovables [...]

  • J. of Dawn. R. (2024). Vol. 6, 4

    '''This thesis studied the definition of a green building and the elements associated with the construction of sustainability. There are many rating systems available [...]

  • https://hdl.handle.net/11583/2544147

    Robustness plays a relevant role in the capacity of a structure to sustain abnormal loads or to deal with unexpected events with large effects, such as explosions and terroristic attacks. [...]

  • https://hdl.handle.net/11583/2544147

    Robustness plays a relevant role in the capacity of a structure to sustain abnormal loads or to deal with unexpected events with large effects, such as explosions and terroristic attacks. [...]

  • cssm (2024). 2

    This thesis is divided into two parts: in the first part the collapse of the WTC1, WTC 2 (Twin Towers) and WTC 7 buildings following the terrorist attacks of 11 September [...]

  • Collection of European Research on Management and Business Economics (2024). 2

    In this Document, the situation of a Company, fictitiously named “Hydrogen” and operating in the hydroelectric production sector, is represented. The following paragraphs [...]

  • Collection of Engineering (2024). 2

    Structural analysis is conducted by the displacement method for evaluation of the stress-strain state induced by static loads. The analysis is conducted by the modal analysis [...]

  • Alessandro Calvi's personal collection (2024). 4

    Structural analysis is conducted by the displacement method for evaluation of the stress-strain state induced by static loads. The analysis is conducted by the modal analysis [...]

  • Alessandro Calvi's personal collection (2024). 12

    Earthquakes pose a significant threat to dams and other reservoir structures. Beyond the ground shaking itself, the dynamic interaction between the earthquake ground motion [...]

  • Alessandro Calvi's personal collection (2024). 2

    In this Document, the situation of a Company, fictitiously named “Hydrogen” and operating in the hydroelectric production sector, is represented. The following [...]

  • M. E., C. A., C. B.M., A. Calvi
    Alessandro Calvi's personal collection (2024). 1

    We present a framework to investigate progressive collapse and robustness of 2D framed structures, subjected to multiple column removals. Progressive collapse is first simulated [...]

  • M. E., C. A., C. B.M., A. Calvi
    Collection of Engineering (2024). 3

    We present a framework to investigate progressive collapse and robustness of 2D framed structures, subjected to multiple column removals. Progressive collapse is first simulated [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 59

    La pandèmia causada per la COVID-19 va irrompre de manera sobtada i va causar una transformació en els models d’aplicació de la comunicació [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 175

    Organizations in Catalonia and elsewhere are facing mounting pressures to embrace social, environmental, and governance (ESG) goals beyond profit maximization. Yet, these [...]

  • A. Palacios, B. Román, B. Sáenz
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 37

    Eix: sostenibilitat de les finances públiques

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 4

    Since the Middle Ages, Catalonia has been an open nation, keen to trade internationally. In recent decades, the region's commitment to commerce has yielded remarkable [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 61

    Este estudio pretende analizar el uso de la inteligencia artificial generativa en contextos reales de educación superior, a través del uso de un teaching assistant [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 68

    This study explores the novel methodology AI-Readiness and Market Dynamics Disruption Index (AIM-DDI) Framework. This framework assesses an organization's preparedness [...]

  • H. Ma, W. Qin, B. Zhang, Z. Wang
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 30

    The tunnel with a large front slope is a common type of entrance in mountain tunnels. Excavation of this type of tunnel disrupts the original balance of the slope, which can [...]

  • O. Joseline
    Joseline Olvera's personal collection (2024). 1

    The topic addressed in this research was about dating violence, talking about it from the face-to-face point of view and the digital point, that is to say online in the love [...]

  • O. Joseline
    Collection of Articles on Psychology (2024). 1

    The topic addressed in this research was about dating violence, talking about it from the face-to-face point of view and the digital point, that is to say online in the love [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 56

    La comunicació té per objectiu analitzar el gran ecosistema d’innovació a Catalunya, identificant els seus reptes i oportunitats, en el moment actual. [...]

  • E. Palau Pinyana, J. Perramon, J. Llach, F. Vidal
    Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 117

    Within the framework of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda, this study analyzes the role of the energy sector in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through [...]

  • V. Vijayaraj, M. Balamurugan, M. Oberoi
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 25

    Task scheduling is one of the major problems with Internet of Things (IoT) cloud computing. The need for cloud storage has skyrocketed due to recent advancements in IoT-based [...]

  • Ecoclean India - Industrial Parts Cleaning (2024). Ecoclean India

    Industrial components cleaning is provided by Ecoclean India. Innovative, economical component cleaning system that uses both water and solvent-based technology.   A [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 155

    Estamos asistiendo a un cambio vertiginoso en la regulación europea de la información corporativa de sostenibilidad. Los avances que se están dando en [...]

  • (2016). IJIRST - International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology

    In present era, there are so many buildings which collapse fully or partially due to lake of maintenance, improper construction method and material or even due to earthquake. [...]

  • A Review of Cost Overruns in Construction Project Management

    (2014). International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD)

    In Construction Industry cost is amongst the major considerations throughout the Project Management life cycle and thus can be regarded as one of the most important parameter [...]

    • 0
  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 100

    Título: Colaboración empresarial público-privada en la transformación urbana: el distrito de Ciutat Vella en Barcelona (1986-2002) Autor: Pablo [...]

  • Q. Sun, C. Yuan, S. Zhao
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 33

    Exploring the rock failure mechanism from an energy perspective is crucial for ensuring the safe construction of tunnels under complex geological conditions. In this study, [...]

  • Z. Zheng, X. Xia, W. Ji, J. Ye, J. WU, H. Lin
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 24

    The effects of opening parameters on the bending behavior of fixed open-web steel beams under static loading were experimentally investigated using six specimens of different [...]

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 13

    Aquest treball analitza l’evolució del PIB per habitant a Catalunya des de l’any 2000 a partir de diverses fonts, mitjançant una desagregació [...]

  • S. He, W. Cai, H. Zhang, T. Wang, X. Qiao
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 18

    In the present study, a novel approach to dynamic economic dispatch for power systems spanning multiple regions is introduced, utilizing the alternating direction multiplier [...]

  • C. Zhou, J. Wang, H. Li, Y. Li, P. Sun
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 17

    Existing experimental methods or traditional numerical methods struggled to separate the resistance caused by a vessel's movement and the impact of waves. However, the [...]

  • M. More, A. More
    Amol More's personal collection (2024). 1

    The effective dispersal of thermal energy from mechanical and electronic devices is a critical function of heat sinks, especially in the dynamic electronic industry. The convergence [...]

  • S. Cañón, J. Serna, J. Benitez
    Sandra Cañón's personal collection (2024). 1

  • Abstracts_4rceec (2024). 123

    4rt Congrés d’Economia i Empresa de Catalunya CAP A UNA ECONOMIA MÉS DIGITAL I SOSTENIBLE   Proposta per a l’eix de SOSTENIBILITAT [...]

  • Y. Liu, K. Chen, G. Zeng, Z. Wang, M. Ge, Y. Zhang
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 21

    The theoretical model of bobbin tool friction stir welding (BT-FSW) structure and dynamic process is established. Because of the great differences in properties of different [...]

  • Y. Ni, P. Li, H. Zhao, S. Qiao
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (3), 36

    The structural nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of folding wings is conducted by integrating the modified Doublet Lattice Method in this paper. Firstly, a modified Doublet Lattice [...]

  • S. Cao, S. Zhao, Y. Ni, J. Jiao
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2024). Vol. 40, (2), 11

    A camber-morphing wing based on a deformable truss is proposed in this paper. And then the structural analysis of the proposed camber-morphing wing is achieved. Compared with [...]

  • H. Zheng, F. Shao, Q. Shan, L. Qiu, S. Yuan
    Latam-SHM 2023.

  • D. Godoy, B. Rueda, J. Romero, J. Leon, D. Tibaduiza
    Latam-SHM 2023.