Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVII, ambas ramas de la dinastía Habsburgo atravesaron importantes crisis sucesorias que tuvieron destacadas consecuencias político-diplomáticas [...]
Las bibliotecas históricas y archivos conservan un buen número de noticias impresas en los territorios de la antigua Monarquía Hispánica sobre sucesos ocurridos en el [...]
El trabajo aborda la imagen de los polacos en un texto de literatura política del Barroco, el manual de príncipes y privados, El privado cristiano (1626) de Enrique de Mendoza. [...]
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar la representación de la mujer, en contraposición con el hombre, en quince relaciones de sucesos españolas en verso (siglos XVI-XVIII). [...]
En el campo de la musicología se acepta el origen del teatro musical español en una serie de representaciones palaciegas que comenzaron a tener lugar en el siglo XVII y [...]
Reseña de Lope de Vega, Comedias Parte XVII, coord. Daniele Crivellari y Eugenio Maggi, Barcelona, Gredos, 2018, 2 tomos. 1158 +1036 pp. ISBN: 978-84-89790-00-1
La Historia del virtuoso caballero don Túngano (1526) constituye la recuperación renacentista de la Visio Tnugdali, ejemplo señero de la literatura de visiones del Medievo. [...]
El personaje del pastor mantiene una fuerte presencia en el villancico religioso barroco, cuyo auge tuvo lugar en el siglo XVII y en una buena parte del XVIII. En esta figura [...]
Estudio y edición de cinco piezas inéditas del escritor cartujo Francisco Galeas (Sevilla, 1567-1614), radicadas en la Biblioteca de la Hispanic Society of America (New [...]
En el contexto de la guerra entre la corona española y las Provincias Unidas, la conquista de las ciudades de Maastricht y Breda fue muy significativa desde un punto de vista [...]
Este artículo presenta la mediación pedagógica del montaje escénico Dulcinea encadenada de la compañía Teatro del Nuevo Mundo, aplicado en siete escuelas públicas de [...]
Massive and open online courses (MOOCs) satisfy learning needs from the particularities of their typologies (xMOOC, tMOOC, cMOOC, iMOOC, among others) even though their high [...]
Disinformation is a serious problem for democratic systems in open societies. It is a global phenomenon that must be studied from different approaches and the educational [...]
The processes of social confinement caused by the global health crisis (COVID-19), have forced professors to assume new research competencies that allow them to improve science [...]
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many countries to impose a strict lockdown policy on citizens during a prolonged period of time, which led to changes in lifestyle habits. This [...]
Media literacy training is an urgent need of our time. Educational institutions must stand as fundamental domains to collectively address reflection on digital and media environments [...]
Higher education is one of the driving forces behind the social and economic development of countries, with the ultimate aim of providing quality academic training. At present, [...]
This paper describes teachers' perceptions of their ICT and media competencies, and the importance they assign to these competencies in teacher training. A questionnaire was [...]
The COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America forced a transition from a face-to-face educational model to a distance model affected by emergencies, technological precariousness, [...]
In recent years there has been a renewal of educational software encouraged by the incorporation of specific designs based on serious games. Previous studies on their use [...]
Daily media use by an entire generation shows the distance that exists between the reality experienced by young peopleand the institutions responsible for their education. [...]
The number of new COVID-19 cases continues to rise rapidly in many countries despite vaccination. The best way to counter the spread of COVID-19 is self-protection. This study [...]
The growing access to the Internet, devices, and social media has revolutionized communication processes and democratizedaccess to information and content creation. However, [...]
The digital ethosphere, as a cultural environment of digital interactions, provides spaces for social and citizen participationwhere certain values and counter-values are [...]
n a predominantly digital communicative context, the political practices of young university students are relevant for thevitality of public spheres and the consolidation [...]
Children’s policies at the local level stimulate initiatives in the municipalities to encourage child participation. In this article, wefocus on the local political sphere [...]
Twitter has transformed into one of the main platforms for citizen engagement today. However, even though previous studies have focused on opinions about vaccines in general [...]
Las redes sociales han transformado de forma muy significativa la forma en la que se produce el diálogo político, impulsando una configuración digital de la esfera pública. [...]
Access to the Internet and digital technologies has become the primary source of information used in academic papers, and,according to numerous studies, is therefore accountable [...]
Flipped learning is a didactic method that requires the teacher to have a series of competences for its application. Theaim of this research is to analyse the abilities of [...]
In this study, we investigate the mediating effects of children’s Internet use on the relationship between family socioeconomicstatus and their academic achievement, and [...]
This study provides evidence about factors that facilitate the development of computational thinking (CT) in Costa Ricanelementary school students, including the description [...]
Images are part of the communication strategies of both the hegemonic powers and political activism. Images have recentlybeen the focus of studies on social movements, highlighting [...]
In recent years, digital networks have given rise to new spaces for socialization, action and protest, favouring the emergence of new forms of social participation that generate [...]
In 2019 the climate movement experienced an unprecedented growth in its mobilization capacity and its political and mediaimpact. This success is closely linked to the rise [...]
The general subject of this analysis is the presence of myths on social media, a heritage of the previous century’s mass culture, and in particular, for social movements. [...]
The refugee crisis has been a fertile ground for hate speech that has portrayed migrants as a dangerous threat and has been spread through social networks. While the media [...]