• M. Cebrián de la Serna, J. Noguera Valdemar
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 14

    The current essay presents the results of research into sustainable development and environmental education that was developed in the sub-region of Amazonia-Orinoquia (Amazonas [...]

  • E. Martínez-Salanova Sánchez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 13

  • M. Gértrudix Barrio, F. Gértrudix Barrio
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 12

    The paper discusses the educational potential of popular culture through the use didactic formats musicovisual interaction in the classroom. It is believed that popular culture, [...]

  • J. Hormigos Ruiz
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 11

    Our behavior is determined by the characteristics of the culture in which we live. Culture imposes on us ways of thinking and perceiving, habits, customs and usages. Music [...]

  • K. wa Mukuma
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 10

    In recent years, the term «globalization» has become a catchword in many languages. It is an open-ended process that implies different levels of unification. In music, attempts [...]

  • M. Grimshaw
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 9

    This essay examines the relationship between player and diegetic sound FX in immersive computer game environments and how this relationship leads, in large part, to the contextualization [...]

  • H. Fouce Rodríguez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 8

    In the last decade, the music industry has become the paradigm of the transformations that has carried the development of the productive system towards Informational Capitalism. [...]

  • M. Bull
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 7

    For the first time in industrialised culture, over fifty percent of the population possesses the ability to privatise whatever environment they might be in through the use [...]

  • H. Suhr
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 6

    Over the recent years, MySpace has been vital to fostering the growth of independent musicians’ followings and have played critical roles in helping mainstream artists maintain [...]

  • M. de Aguilera Moyano, J. Adell Pitarch, E. Borges Rey
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 5

    Sharing music is a traditional mechanism of cultural sociability, the observation of wich is useful in order to understand the negotiation procedures of sense and identity. [...]

  • A. Hennion
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 4

    This contribution provides an account of musical taste as a meaningful accomplishment and a situated activity, with its tricks and bricolages, instead of reducing it to a [...]

  • K. Bruhn Jensen
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 3

    Sound remains significantly underresearched as a form of communication, as a modality of experience, and as a resource for cultural expression and social interaction. This [...]

  • M. de Aguilera Moyano, J. Adell Pitarch
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 2

  • J. Aguaded Gómez
    Comunicar. Media Education Research Journal (2010). Vol. 18, (1), 1

  • A. diversos
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 1

    Reviews Caplletra 48 (Spring, 2010) Josep M. Baldaquí Escandell, ressenya de M. Àngels Viladot i Presas, Lengua y comunicación intergrupal, Editorial UOC, Barcelona, 2008, [...]

  • A. diversos
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 12

    Reviews Caplletra 49 (Autumn, 2010) Gabriel Sansano, ressenya de Paula A. Sprage, El Europeo (Barcelona, 1823-1824): Prensa, Modernidad y Universalismo, Madrid / Frankfurt [...]

  • S. Martí
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 8

    En aquest article s’analitzen alguns aspectes de la tradició textual del "Llibre dels àngels" (1392) de Francesc Eiximenis, a partir d’una col·lació dels quinze primers [...]

  • P. Evangelisti
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 5

    Nell’ultimo ventennio storici e filosofi hanno individuato e sottolineato i limiti di una scienza politica fondata unicamente su prospettive descrittive e normative, su modelli [...]

  • D. Viera, J. Piqué Angordans, R. Camaño Puig
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 2

    Diversos autors han analitzat els voluminosos tractats de Francesc Eiximenis, especialment pel que fa a matèries relacionades amb la teologia moral, però també sobre altres [...]

  • C. Wittlin
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 10

    Francesc Eiximenis va treballar en una enciclopèdia que havia de tenir tretze volums entre els anys 1380 i 1390. En els manuscrits les formes «crestià», «crestiana», «crestianisme», [...]

  • E. Izquierdo Molinas
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 7

    L’estudi de la documentació relacionada amb Sanxa Ximenis d’Arenós, comtessa de Prades, permet de conèixer molt millor les seves activitats i els seus moviments en [...]

  • X. Renedo Puig
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 4

  • P. Sancho Cremades
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 11

    L’article se centra en l’anàlisi de les estructures prefabricades, és a dir, de caràcter fraseològic, que indiquen connexió, en un fragment de conversa col·loquial. [...]

  • J. Ribera Llopis
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 9

    Aproximació a les relacions literàries catalanes-castellanes a la «fi de Segle», des de la recuperació de dades més generals i reconstructores de certs aspectes d’aquell espectre [...]

  • J. Mas Castells
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 6

    Estudi de les connotacions ideològiques dels models lingüístics presents en la comunitat de parla valenciana, a partir d’una selecció de variants lingüístiques sociològicament [...]

  • J. Baldaquí Escandell, F. Llorca Ibi, J. Ponsoda Sanmartín, A. Saragossà Alba
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (1), 3

    En aquest article presentem els resultats d’una investigació a gran escala sobre la Inseguretat Lingüística Formal o laboviana (ILF). La mostra és representativa de l’univers [...]

  • M. Vanrell, I. Mascaró, F. Torres-Tamarit, P. Prieto
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 20

    Aquest treball investiga de quina manera l’entonació reflecteix el diferents graus de coneixement del parlant en les interrogatives absolutes del mallorquí. Mitjançant [...]

  • P. Prieto, T. Cabré, M. Vanrell
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 17

    En la primera part d’aquest article presentem el projecte de l’"Atles interactiu de l’entonació del català", que té com a objectiu la presentació d’una sèrie [...]

  • I. Mascaró
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 14

    L’article vol ser una primera aproximació als usos actuals de la partícula catalana idò. Àmpliament utilitzada en la parla col·loquial i espontània de les Illes Balears, [...]

  • J. Carrera Sabaté, A. Fernández Planas, E. Martínez Celdrán
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 22

    En el marc de l’"Atles Multimèdia de Prosòdia de l’Espai Romànic", el grup AMPERCAT desenvolupa des de la Universitat de Barcelona i des de l’any 2003, l’estudi [...]

  • V. Crespo-Sendra, M. Vanrell, P. Prieto
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 19

    Aquest article pretén aprofundir en l’anàlisi entonativa de les oracions interrogatives absolutes informatives i les que denoten incredulitat en català. En la primera [...]

  • P. Prieto
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 16

  • C. Cortés
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 13

    A partir de l’anàlisi de les relacions personals i artístiques entre el pintor Antoni Miró (Alcoi, 1944) i diversos poetes catalans contemporanis com Joan Valls, Salvador [...]

  • R. Roca Ricart
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 21

    A partir de la dècada dels anys 60 del segle XIX, els escriptors catalans començaren a bandejar les velles denominacions de «llemosí» i «llengua llemosina», aplicades [...]

  • G. Gavagnin
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 18

    Maria Antònia Salvà va dedicar molts anys a traduir un dels poetes més importants del simbolisme italià, Giovanni Pascoli. L’interès de la poeta mallorquina també [...]

  • N. Alturo, K. Hengeveld
    Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia (2010). Vol. 25, (2), 15

    Aquest treball pretén donar compte de la dimensió pragmàtica de la cohesió a través de l’anàlisi d’un text argumentatiu conversacional. El treball se situa en el [...]

  • G. García-Luengos
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 3

    The most recent bibliography comes lending noble attention to the Calderonian rewriting of his own works, and less to that which was realized about others. The “Other Calderón”, [...]

  • P. Taravacci
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 19

    Starting from the fundamental premise of the insufficiency of a purely descriptive approximation to the Golden Age burlesque comedies, and the need to analyze each text of [...]

  • M. Scaramuzza Vidoni
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 12

    At the beginning of the nineteenth century, in Italy, the received view of Calderón’s theatrical works saw them in contrast with the prevailing classicism at the theoretical [...]

  • F. Sáez Raposo
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 6

    In this paper I study the manuscript of the play entitled Un castigo en tres venganzas, by Diego Martínez de Mora. Copyist, bookseller, memorión and maybe even an actor, [...]

  • J. Rubiera
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 22

    This article is the first part of a complete study of gracioso Capricho’s functions and characterization in the religious play El José de las mujeres. After discussing [...]

  • M. Profeti
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 16

    This work analyzes four Italian opera librettos derived from the four comedies of Calderón (El alcaide de sí mismo, Ni amor se libra de amor, El Faetonte, Eco y Narcisco), [...]

  • F. Pedraza Jiménez
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 10

    The definition of the Calderonian canon is not easy.Three canons are examined in this work: the academic, which recognizes between twenty and thirty titles as central in its [...]

  • C. Mata Induráin
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 4

    No hay cosa como callar is a Calderonian comedy labeled on various occasions as a masterpiece, but that to date does not include an extensive bibliography. In this work, through [...]

  • E. Marcello
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 20

    Professor Marcello’s work treats the Italian translation of Con quien vengo, vengo, realized by the Italian actress Angiola d’Orso in 1666. The analysis of the translation [...]

  • J. Maestro
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 13

    This work focus on the burlesque comedy Céfalo y Pocris by Calderón according to the theory of the literary genres based on the Philosophical Materialism as a Theory of [...]

  • M. Lobato
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 7

    This work states how the poetic jácara sung in the first decades of the seventeenth century is taken on in a natural manner in the forties of that century by the entremesada [...]

  • L. Iglesias Feijoo
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 1

    The aim of this paper is to study the date of composition and first performance of El Faetonte and related plays.The paper also examines the staging of the play after the [...]

  • A. González
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 17

    Review of the complex construction of the brief comic theater of Calderón, taking as reference two entremeses: La casa holgona y Las carnestolendas, and one mojiganga, La [...]

  • R. González Cañal
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 11

    The author examines a relatively unknown Calderonian comedy, Bien vengas, mal si vienes solo. The study specifically centers on the tangled comedy genre, the scenic trajectory [...]

  • J. Escudero
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 5

    The present work aims to present, through the peculiar treatment of the Calderonian joker in his tragedies, the concrete case of El alcalde de Zalamea, where a tendency towards [...]

  • D. Cruickshank
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 21

    La bibliografía del Siglo de Oro se complica por culpa de las ediciones piratas que pueden resultar engañosas. Después de analizar las técnicas de impresión por los profesionales [...]

  • E. Cancelliere
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 14

    This paper examines the complex relationship between mythology and theater. Specifically between the myth of Pandora and Calderón’s La estatua de Prometeo.

  • I. Arellano
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 8

    This work deals with the comic facet of Calderón as a man of jokes. The author examines various humorous modalities of the playwright in several of his comedies, in his short [...]

  • R. Alviti
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 2

    This paper aims at analysing the corpus of proverbs in Calderón de la Barca’s plays. As a matter of fact, many of don Pedro’s plays are entitled according to one of the [...]

  • A. Cassol
    ACal (2010). Vol. 3, (1), 18

  • Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids (2011). Vol. 65 (1-3), pp. 106-134

    We present a collection of stabilized finite element (FE) methods derived via first‐ and second‐order finite calculus (FIC) procedures. It is shown that several well known [...]

  • Int. J. Numer. Meth. Biomed. Engng (2010). Vol. 26 (10), pp. 1313-1330

    The purpose of this paper is to put in evidence that the fractional‐step method (FSM) used to solve the incompressible transient Euler and Navier–Stokes equations [...]

  • R. Löhner, E. Oñate
    Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (2010). Vol. 46 (1-2), pp. 140-151

    A review is given of advancing front techniques for filling space with arbitrary separated objects. Over the last decade, these techniques have reached a considerable degree [...]

  • Engineering Computations (2010). Vol. 27 (1), pp. 20-56

    The field of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) has important applications ranging from the bio-medical to the civil and aeronautical engineering fields. Despite the different [...]

  • S. Idelsohn, M. Mier-Torrecilla, N. Nigro, E. Oñate
    Computational Mechanics (2010). Vol. 46 (1), pp. 115-124

    Heterogeneous incompressible fluid flows with jumps in the viscous properties are solved with the particle finite element method using continuous and discontinuous pressure [...]

  • Computational Mechanics (2010). Vol. 46 (6), pp. 883-899

    Current work presents a monolithic method for the solution of fluid–structure interaction problems involving flexible structures and free-surface flows. The technique [...]

  • Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2010). Vol. 81 (8), pp. 1046-1072

    A new computational procedure for analysis of the melting and flame spread of polymers under fire conditions is presented. The method, termed Particle Finite Element Method [...]

  • E. Oñate, F. Zárate
    Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2010). Vol. 83 (2), pp.196-227

    The paper describes a methodology for extending rotation-free plate and beam elements in order to accounting for transverse shear deformation effects. The ingredients for [...]

  • P. Fuentes, E. Oñate
    Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., (2010). vol. 199, pp. 383–391

    A new triangle shell element is presented. The advantages of this element are threefold: simplicity, generality and geometrical accuracy. The formulation is free from rotation [...]

  • Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2010). Vol. 199, pp. 525–546

    We present the design of a high-resolution Petrov–Galerkin (HRPG) method using linear finite elements for the problem defined by the residual R (phi):= partial phi [...]

  • M. Mier-Torrecilla, S. Idelsohn, E. Oñate
    Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids (2010). Vol. 67 (11), pp. 1516-1539

    In this work we extend the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) to multi-fluid flow problems with the aim of exploiting the fact that Lagrangian methods are specially well [...]

  • J. Carbonell, E. Oñate, B. Suárez
    Monograph CIMNE (2010). M116

    The present work introduces a new application of the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) for the modeling of excavation problems. Lagrangian descriptions of motion of the [...]

  • M. De Bellis, V. Ciampi, S. Oller, D. Addessi
    Monograph CIMNE (2010). M119

    The aim of this work is, hence, to adopt the computational homogenization techniques to obtain the global response of masonry structures. Since the experimental global response [...]

  • L. Suárez
    RIDNAIC (2010). Vol. 10, (2)

    Revision: An introduction to soil dynamics, por Arnold Verruijt

  • V. Puglia, L. Miguel, I. Iturrioz
    RIDNAIC (2010). Vol. 10, (2)

    No presente trabalho faz-se uma análise dinâmica de uma torre treliçada estaiada submetida à tormenta EPS através de um registro de vento obtido a partir de sua componente [...]

  • A. García, A. Bernal, J. González
    RIDNAIC (2010). Vol. 10, (2)

    Se estimó la estructura estratigráfica de los depósitos sedimentarios profundos en el valle de Chilpancingo Guerrero, México, y la variación de la velocidad de las ondas [...]

  • R. Falconí, D. Añazco, R. Ángulo
    RIDNAIC (2010). Vol. 10, (2)

    El uso de aisladores de base tipo péndulo de fricción, FPS ("Frictional Pendulum System") en puentes es una muy buena alternativa en países [...]

  • A. Vega, M. Kowalsky
    RIDNAIC (2010). Vol. 10, (2)

    El presente trabajo propone una metodología sencilla para evaluar pórticos de hormigón reforzado para diferentes límites de daño en función de las deformaciones del [...]

  • J. Massa, A. Giudici
    RIDNAIC (2010). Vol. 10, (2)

    La seguridad en los sistemas de transporte y distribución de gas es uno de los principales aspectos que debe considerarse en el diseño de dichas instalaciones. [...]

  • L. Montejo, M. Kowalsky, T. Hassan
    RIDNAIC (2010). Vol. 10, (2)

    Este artículo recopila los principales resultados de una serie de pruebas experimentales en las cuales columnas circulares de hormigón armado fueron sujetas a incrementos [...]

  • U. Valdes, G. Portela, T. Stanton, W. Varela, G. Velázquez
    RIDNAIC (2010). Vol. 10, (2)

    Este artículo presenta una descripción del análisis de vigas pre-flexionadas con aplicación a superestructuras de puentes. El sistema consiste [...]

  • L. Suárez, L. Godoy
    RIDNAIC (2010). Vol. 10, (2)

    Editorial: Una mirada a los diez años de publicación de la revista

  • A. Mexía, O. Aldama
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (1)

    One of the numerically stable methods to calculate he Squire root of a matrix is the Newton’s Method, but it has the disadvantage that in each iteration it is necessary [...]

  • H. Herrera, Y. López, A. Esquivel, C. Morfa
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (1)

    The scientific visualization of continuous scalar data is currently widely used. New formulations based on particles or point clouds, like the Discrete Element Method, Mesh [...]

  • M. Pérez, A. Iván
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (1)

    In a previous article, we presented a mathematical tool for the systematic calculation of the critical buckling load and the buckling mode of any frame, under some simplificative [...]

  • C. Friaca, M. Barbosa, T. Bittencourt, M. Machado
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (1)

    The concrete ffshore platforms, which are subjected a several loading combinations and, thus, requires an analysis more generic possible, can be designed using the concepts [...]

  • D. Capua, V. Pérez-Gracia, R. González-Drigo
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (1)

    This paper presents a proposed methodology developed to obtain the geometry of masonry walls. The methodology is based on the automatic recognition of boundaries. The geometry [...]

  • M. Molina, S. Oller, A. Barbat, X. Martínez
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (2)

    The numerical simulation of composite materials is a field under continuous development. Its application to structural design has shown important improvements, leading to [...]

  • . F.Cordero, P. Díez
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (2)

    When applied to diffusion problems in a multiphase setup, the popular XFEM strategy suffers of an inaccurate representation of the local fluxes in the vicinity of the interphase. [...]

  • E. Peña, J. Ohayon, Y. Usson, A. Azancot, M. Doblaré
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (2)

    The purpose of this research is to study the fetal heart biomechanics during cardiac cycle. A 3D FEM of the human fetal heart (FH) is built by using the geometry and the ¯ber [...]

  • X. Nogueira, L. Cueto-Felgueroso, I. Colominas
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (2)

    In this work we show a numerical methodology for the resolution of compressible ows in both,structured and unstructured grids. The Moving Least Squares method (MLS) is used [...]

  • D. Garzón-Alvarado, C. Galeano, J. Mantilla
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (2)

    This article studies the effect of the inclusion of the transport term in the reaction-diffusion equations, through toroidal velocity fields. The formation of Turing patterns [...]

  • M. Morales, F. Mejía
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    Aquifer characterization is an important problem in Geohidrology. The problem consits in estimating phenomenological parameters given piezometric data. In general eld data [...]

  • J. Valdés, H. Hernández, A. Hernández
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    As alternative to methods presented in several codes around the world to analyze chimneys, an analysis procedure based in the finite element method is presented. To achieve [...]

  • G. Juárez, A. Ayala
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    This paper presents nonlinear mixed formulations to simulate the material failure process in solids by its finite element approximation. The formulations presented are the [...]

  • G. Lizárraga, S. Botello, P. Perez
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    Diversity is a very important property for non-dominated sets. The diversity is a measure of how much information is contained in a non-dominated set. Evaluating diversity [...]

  • S. P, S. R, A. A.
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    The topological optimization problema is stated as follows: to find the best shape of a mechanical structure subject to certain service conditions. Usually, the topological [...]

  • G. Urriolagoitia-Sosa, G. Urriolagoitia-Calderón, L. Hernández, B. al.
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    In the open literatura around the world, it has been very well established the benefits that produces the shot peening process. Nevertheless, this process is a task, in some [...]

  • N. Hernández-Silva, R. Codina
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    The objective of this work is to introduce and numerically solve the mathematical model for the bahavior of liquid semiconductors in the Czochralski process to obtain semiconductor [...]

  • F. Domínguez-M, M. Equihua, S. Mendoza, J. Tinoco
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    Recently, in order to approximate the solution of a partial differential equation overa n irregular planar domains, several efficient and robust variational methods designed [...]

  • A. R, R. C., J. G., H. P., A. V.
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    The tangential vorticity function, circulation and meridian stream that form in a closed rotating cylinder are analyzed. The cylinder has a rotating bottom whereas the lateral [...]

  • J. Retama, A. Ayala
    Rev. int. métodos numér. cálc. diseño ing. (2010). Vol. 26, (3)

    This paper presents different variational formulations for the modeling of damage in solids by the embedded discontinuity formulation. Initially the energy functional, for [...]