The creation of autonomous public Television in the Principality of Asturias inside of digital environment, involved the use of the latest technologies in production of audiovisual [...]
The explosion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has affected the work routines of professional journalists. Immediacy, one of the essential characteristics [...]
A study of the impact and influence of Digital Photography on the Press Documentation Departments. The photographic archives of the Documentation Departments of the Spanish [...]
The Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library (BRGF) at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) has recently launched an electronic books lending service. This paper describes the [...]
Spanish telecentres are a catalyst and inclusion instrument in the information society. Nevertheless, there is a lack of studies describing the activities performed by these [...]
In the last years we have seen many attempts to transfer the desktop browser experience to the mobile sphere, with poor results. Nonetheless, both devices’ performance improvement [...]
Production and citation rankings of the top 25 world science countries are presented from the free data provided by Thomson Reuters in ScienceWatch.com. The development of [...]
The concept of Science 2.0 is introduced and analysed based on its principal characteristics: user participation and collaboration, as well as free information exchange by [...]
The results of a study of social networking by professors’ co-memberships in library and information science PhD juries between 1993 and 2006 are presented. Degree reduction [...]
Overview and trends of different aspects and applications of data mining on the Internet, in relation to Web 2.0, spam, analysis of searches, social networks and privacy.
This paper studies the phenomenon of structural size effect and strain localization in J2 plasticity. Size effect is here understood as the change in the response of a given [...]
Some of the advances in standardizing comics in the Public Libraries and users’ lifes are described, pointing out the needs in order to increase their presence.
Studies related to the use of addictive substances usually reflect the point of view of consumers. In this paper we present a qualitative analysis of the answers of non-users [...]
This paper describes the main contributions by students from a Teaching Innovation Project (2005) at the University of Córdoba focused on a part-time attendance teaching [...]