In the last decade, national fiction series have managed to get an important place in the TV grid. They have displaced from prime time shows that were aired on that segment [...]
The films are one of the television contents more charismatic and attractive, and give us a great opportunity to analyse free, critical and interpretatively the representation [...]
In this communication we set off from the evidence that the advertising message produces a great impact in society and that the models that it introduces are imitated immediately, [...]
Television has turned into a powerful medium of communication and broadcasting of information, besides having an evident function of leisure and entertainment. New formulas [...]
Watching television, according to the point of view of the audience, means being passive subjects. However, if we would realize that we are true consumers of mass media, surely [...]
The Spanish televising scene is, at the present time, the center of a social and cultural discussion.Before the critic carried out towards as daily means as it is it the television, [...]
This study compares several cartoon serials -from middle 60's to middle 70's- with actual cartoon programs, and has the main objective of analyzing if the social concern about [...]
On the one hand, this paper is part of a wider reseach work that collects information on some diferent variables: previous knowledge, habits of studing, motivational strategies, [...]
Television has an important role in both the individual and social development. We live in a world where everything happens very fast, where TV contributes to spread views [...]
This paper analyses the results of a poll about the student's TV habits in the first cycle of CSE (Compulsory Secondary Education) of the IES Averroes in Córdoba. The relation [...]
Social communication media, and particularly television, constitute a significant part of the daily life of adults, adolescents and children. Access to this media has made [...]
This paper arises from the research on the most relevant Spanish reality shows approaching the stereotypes transmision question. The analysis departs from the overrepresentation [...]
It's essential to explain the relationship between television and education, and by so much, between Television and Audiences, to scan the different perspectives of television [...]
TV stands at a predominant place is the audiovisual world. At present we share our lives and homes with this media. We use it and try to take advantages from it. TV is a powerful [...]