
The financing of transport infrastructure has been discussed in this chapter as an issue between efficient pricing and political distribution. Historically, toll pricing and private investment in transport infrastructure has been frequent and important (e.g., in the railway era), [...]


In an age when escalating fuel prices, global warming and world resource depletion are of great concern, sustainable transport practices promise to define a new way of mobility into the future. With its comparatively minimal negative environmental impacts, non reliance on fuels and [...]


Understanding how land prices are determined is of particular importance for policy makers; however, there is little evidence in African countries, which are currently experiencing rapid urbanization. The paper examines the relationship between land prices and locational characteristics [...]


espanolLa necesidad de dar respuesta al freno que suponia la deficitaria red de transporte terrestre para el crecimiento de la economia se convirtio en un objetivo basico de la politica inversora del Estado durante el siglo XX. Un primer esfuerzo constructor se produjo en el primer [...]


In transportation planning there can be long lead times to adapt capacity. This paper addresses two questions. First, in a one mode world (say rail or road), what is the optimal capacity choice when faced with uncertain demand, long lead times and congestion. Using a simple analytical [...]


En el contexto de un proceso de concesiones portuarias paralizado y de un debate acerca de la conveniencia de retomarlo, este estudio evalúa el desempeño del terminal de Matarani, administrado desde 1999 por la empresa Terminal Internacional del Sur S.A. (TISUR), y único puerto [...]





Aquest article analitza el paper del transport marítim i el sistema portuari en la competitivitat de la indústria catalana. Avalua la gestió portuària actual, els principals factors de competència i els efectes de les crisis internacionals per [...]


Rail transport generally has the advantage for large-volume long-haul freight operations. The literature generally shows that shipping distance, costs, and reliability are among the most important determinants of people's modal choice among road, rail, air, and coastal shipping transport. [...]


Railway transport generally has the advantage for large-volume, long-haul freight operations. Africa possesses significant railway assets. However, many rail lines are currently not operational because of the lack of maintenance. The paper recasts light on the impact of rail transportation [...]