
Although innovation is a key factor for the survival of enterprises, its situation in Spain is still far from the objectives set by the Lisbon Strategy. As a consequence the Spanish public administrations have launched various measures to improve it. Innovation requires acquiring [...]


The origins, planning, and implementation process for the Valencian Community Social Economy Information Portal (www.ecsocial.com) are described. Details are provided of the methodology used to encourage participation by companies in this business realm. Changes that have taken place [...]


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become the central theme of many debates on the role of organizations in society in recent years. The voluntary incorporation of strategies that influence economic profitability and in turn social and environmental issues is already a reality [...]


In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence, particularly in large language models (LLMs), have revolutionised multiple sectors, distinguished by their ability to process and generate text with high coherence and relevance. However, their implementation has predominantly [...]


Les petites i mitjanes empreses són el motor econòmic tant de Catalunya com d’Espanya i ara es troben no només amb el repte diari de l’examen del mercat, sinó que també han de conviure amb l’alta incertesa i complexitat, a la [...]