
The main objective of the prodPhD project is to implement innovative social network-based methodologies for teaching and learning entrepreneurship in PhD programmes. The multidisciplinary teaching and learning methodologies to be developed will allow introducing entrepreneurship [...]


The prodPhD project aims to address the challenging problem of introducing entrepreneurship training in PhD programmes regardless of discipline. The prodPhD project will create the necessary teaching methodologies and the platform for applying them. The project consists of a consortium [...]


This document presents the deliverable D8.1 – the Data Management Plan (DMP) of work package 8
of the prodPhD project. It aims to present the plan for the management, generation, collection,
security, preservation and sharing of data generated through the prodPhD [...]


The project “Social network tools and procedures for developing entrepreneurial skills in PhD programmes” (prodPhD) aims to implement innovative social network-based methodologies for teaching and learning entrepreneurship in PhD programmes. The multidisciplinary teaching [...]