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Scipedia (https://www.scipedia.com) is an innovative Open Science and Research Publishing Platform. Scipedia aims to connect researchers and professionals in science and technology and facilitate the sharing [...]


Recerca i desenvolupament, dos grans conceptes que junts sonen més fort. I és que, a l’hora de parlar de la fortalesa, competitivitat, i futur d’un país, un dels principals indicadors a tenir en compte és l’esforç en R+D.

L’any [...]


The current openness trend includes concepts such as transparency, democracy, sharing, collective, free, common, or commons, and working areas such as open access, open data, open linked data, dataset curation, open content, open research, open education, open innovation, or open [...]


The importance for libraries, archives and cultural heritage institutions of open innovation on the basis of linked open data basis is discussed. As the web evolves into a global data space, libraries should provide their datasets using RDF technologies and open licenses to strengthen [...]


The open innovation hub Digital Health and Patient Safety Platform (DHPSP) was recently established with the purpose to invigorate collaborative scientific research and the development of new digital products and personalized solutions aiming to improve human health and patient [...]


Electric vehicles have existed for over 100 years as a disruptive innovation. Even though they have always been easier to use, quieter and cleaner, gasoline cars have beaten it in price, range and faster fueling. As gasoline cars have been the technological standard for the past 150 [...]