
Agriculture remains an important economic sector in Africa, employing a large share of the labor force and earning foreign exchange. Among others, transport connectivity has long been a crucial constraint in Africa. In theory, railways have a particularly important role to play in [...]


The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the sharp changes in the sectors of the economy generated by the coronavirus pandemic have changed all existing development forecasts. At the same time, a number of new risks have emerged. In this regard, the development of a forecast [...]


The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the sharp changes in the sectors of the economy caused by the coronavirus pandemic have affected all existing forecasts of socioeconomic development. At the same time, a number of new support measures have appeared, both at the [...]


"Aquest document presenta un anàlisi de la inversió pública escomesa a Catalunya i Espanya en els últims temps. La Formació Bruta de Capital Fix executada pel total de les Administracions Públiques en aquests [...]


La integració del mercat europeu, i global, està transformant el model productiu català. A un mercat integrat com l’europeu, l’activitat es concentra a uns pocs nuclis que maximitzen les economies d’escala i d’integració. A la [...]


The main tool used in this work is the structural vector autoregression model with an exogenous variable. With the help of short-term constraints, we identify 3 shocks: output, investment [...]


Changes in approaches of FAO food security monitoring after the adoption of the UN Sustainable Development Goals until 2030 and innovations in the 2020 RF Food Security Doctrine were [...]


The paper assesses the effectiveness of BRICS as a global governance institution in the time of global social-economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic [...]