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This article unravels the probable source of Calderón’s Los dos amantes del cielo, a «comedia de santos» that dramatizes the legend of the martyrs Crisanto and Daría. The study of its hagiographic tradition reveals the textual dependence of the dramatic work on the books of [...]


xtabstractThis thesis is a result from a project funded by the co-operative research programme T3 of the Netherlands Organisation of Applied Scientific Research TNO and the Netherlands Research School for Transport, Infrastructure, and Logistics TRAIL TRAIL Thesis Series no. [...]


The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that in recent decades, peripheralization of rural spaces in Russia has intensified in the form of the expansion of abandoned agricultural lands, disappearance of rural settlements, and a general long-term social-demographic [...]


Tourism industry is one of the biggest economic sectors of the world with extraordinary development rates. There are negative and positive ecological, economic and social effects which derive from international tourism. The most important negative effects are mostly on environmental [...]


Scenario describing the future include many disruptive innovations, which implies that traditional models calibrated on historical data are not always applicable for quantification of these scenarios. This paper describes disruptive changes to be expected which will influence the [...]