
Soil supporting foundations for infrastructural assets such as bridges are repeatedly subjected to dynamic loading from passing traffic. The load-displacement characteristics are nonlinear at even small to medium strains, however this effect is mostly modelled using secant stiffness [...]


A real case of consolidation works is presented in which only field testing methods can reveal the causes of instability. This paper is an update of the one presented at the SAHC 2018 conference, concerning the study of the partial collapse of the Church of Itria in Piazza Armerina [...]


Historically, the analyses of tailings storage facilities (TSFs) have primarily focused on understanding the characteristics of tailings, while often overlooking a comprehensive evaluation of the foundation, as seen at Mount Polley in 2014. The Global Industry Standard on Tailings [...]


The Cañaveral shopping center is located on a low slope formed by recent alluvial deposits of low consistency, supported on sedimentary rock of the Girón formation, which is found at depths that change abruptly between one and twelve meters in short distances, influenced by the [...]


The Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga is located within one of the three seismic nests in the world and therefore presents a high seismic and geotechnical threat (INGEOMINAS, 2001), therefore certain zones, especially those with alluvial and colluvial deposits, have limitations for [...]