
This work presents an extended study of the work published in the magazine INCISCOS 2018 titled “Improving of the Photovoltaic High Power Plant Generation Using DC/DC Micro Converters”, and intented to increase the amount of electrical energy generation of a Photovoltaic Plant [...]


International audience; The HVAC system represents the main auxiliary load in electric vehicles (EVs) and requires efficient control approaches that balance energy saving and thermal comfort. In fact, passengers always demand more comfort, but on the other hand the HVAC system consumption [...]


There is much interest regarding the future possibilities - and risks - arising from integrating increasing numbers of plug-in vehicles with power system network operations, in particular demand-side management. There has been comparatively less enthusiasm directed towards addressing [...]


This paper is part of the AEROFLEX - AEROdynamic and FLEXible Trucks for Next Generation of Long Distance Road Transport - project. It concentrates on the concept of the Advanced Energy Management in Distributed Powertrains. Powertrains in long-haul vehicles can be distributed [...]


La emergencia climática y la urgente transición energética conlleva  cambios en todos los ámbitos de las sociedad. De forma directa en los sistemas productivos y sus consumos energéticos y costes asociados

José [...]


The intelligent microgrids are an efficient alternative, which allows to supply the demand decreasing the losses of the electrical system and at the same time; the environment and the consumers are the main beneficiaries. This article develops a heuristic based on an energy management [...]


technology is increasingly used in mobile settings, energy and battery management is becoming a part of everyday life. Many have experienced how quickly a battery can be depleted in a smartphone, laptop or electric cars, sometimes causing much distress. An important question is how [...]


Today’s electric grid must be transformed to meet modern consumption behaviors and safely integrate renewable energy sources. This has led to major efforts to develop grid-scale energy management solutions and ensure safety and reliability of our modern power network. In particular, [...]


The maritime transport sector is currently highly dependent on oil-based fuels. International regulations enforce tight limits regarding NOx emissions from the exhaust gases and maximum sulphur content in the fuel, enhancing the sector interest towards the development of cleaner alternative [...]


Conference on Transport Engineering, CIT2018 (13th, 2018, Gijón, Asturias, Spain) This work was supported by the Science of Innovation Spanish Ministry and FEDER funds under the Proej ct TEC2016-80700 -R (AEI/FEDER, UE), by the Principality of Asturias Government under proej ct [...]