
Climate change is a global problem that affects the state of conservation of ecosystems in all regions of the world; as well as in the Chimborazo Fauna Production Reserve, which is linked to anthropogenic activities inside and outside it, such as the extensive and intensive grazing [...]


| openaire: EC/H2020/688203/EU//BIoTope Many domains are trying to integrate with the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem, such aspublic administrations starting Smart City initiatives all over the world. Cities are becomingsmart in many ways: smart mobility, smart buildings, smart [...]


The present research describes and analyzes the impacts of the anthropic transformation of the coastal strip of the city of Trujillo, due to the systematic construction and expansion of a rigid structure called sand retaining mill in the port of Salaverry. It is described and analyzed [...]


Les ciutats d'arreu del món utilitzen cada cop més la innovació per fer front a desafiaments socials i ambientals d’alta complexitat, la qual cosa requereix la formació d'ecosistemes públics per gestionar les diferents parts interessades [...]