
To explore the effect of retroperitoneal laparoscopic debridement and drainage on infected necrosis in severe acute pancreatitis. This retrospective study included 18 patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) undergoing retroperitoneal laparoscopic debridement and drainage from [...]


Two-dimensional glass model experiments are used to investigate the residual trapping mechanism of CO2 stored in saline aquifers. For this purpose, two proxy fluids are chosen to simulate the CO2-brine behavior under reservoir conditions. The first set of experiments is carried out [...]


European National Road Authorities (NRAs) have recognized for a long time that climate change will have a significant effect on their assets and operations. Especially, water management assets will be affected. The damage caused by floods and rain to infrastructure assets amounts [...]


This paper presents and discusses results from a series of cone, vane and footing tests in a carbonate silty sand, conducted in a geotechnical centrifuge, that investigate how drainage effects scale with the diameter of the device/foundation. The tests involved different penetration [...]


During a rain event, most of the raindrops reaching the facade either splash back or run off the exterior surface of the facade. However, it is evident that also a portion of the water infiltrates through the open joints of a ventilated facade. The infiltrated water may either be [...]


Gypsum dissolves rapidly underground and at the surface, forming gypsum karst features that include caves, subsidence areas, and sinkholes. Mapping these landforms, understanding the gypsum karst and local hydrogeology, and producing sinkhole susceptibility and hazard maps are crucial [...]


In the 1950s, the Savannah River Site built an open, unlined retention basin to temporarily store potentially radionuclide contaminated cooling water from a chemical separations process and storm water drainage from a nearby waste management facility that stored large quantities of [...]


The objectives of this integrity test are to (1) inspect the interior of this pipeline by in-line camera survey and (2) if required, conduct a pressure test on a section of the pipeline. The U-1 and U-2 Cribs were constructed in 1951. From March 1952 to June 1967, the site received [...]


The goal of the Gas Research Institute Wetland Corridors Program is to document impacts of existing pipeline on the wetlands they traverse. To accomplish this goal, 12 existing wetland crossings were surveyed. These sites varied in elapsed time since pipeline construction, wetland [...]


Wheat is one of the strategic crops in most parts of the world. Mostly, the growth and yield of this plant are affected by biological and non-biological factors such as irrigation water quality, salinity, drought, high temperature. In this paper, the effects of balanced nutrition [...]