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The purpose of this article is to analyze some subjective issues for understanding why the killing of workers in the School Domingo Santa María de Iquique, is one of the milestones that inaugurates a new era on the nature of pain and horror in contemporary Chile. Owners of an Enlightenment [...]


El presente texto trata sobre el encuentro, tanto anecdótico como teórico, de Cristina Campo, María Zambrano y Marius Schneider La autora remite a los indicios del contacto entre los tres (la colaboración en las revistas Sur y Conos-cenza religiosa, la frecuentación de Campo [...]


The complementary parts of Calderón’s La hija del aire represent the disastrous consequences provoked by bad government, corruption, and lust for power and is a prime example of the crises that occur as a result of such vices.The play’s lessons are projected beyond the stage [...]