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The tensions between centralization and decentralization in complex enterprise web sites are addressed from the perspective of conventional information architecture, based on the “islands of information” metaphor used by Rosenfeld and Morville. The needs include the identification [...]


The authors describe how Sao Paulo State granted a 20-year concession for operating a busway, one requirement for which was that the concessionaire replace the diesel bus operation with electric traction (trolleys). This was not a"greenfield concession"but is probably the only"busway"concession [...]


The author describes a bold effort by the state government to increase private sector participation in Rio de Janeiro's urban transport sector, reduce heavy operating subsidies, and establish a foundation for making the sector sustainable. This effort was undertaken with the help [...]


The question to be addressed here is that of the agglomeration/dispersion forces that are likely to account for the location of people and jobs in rural areas and the way they explain spatial patterns in rural areas depending on urban influence. Economic geography models may provide [...]


Network effects and spatial spillovers are intrinsic impacts of transport infrastructure. Network effects imply that an improvement in a particular link in a network generates effects in many other elements of that network, while spillover effects can be defined as those impacts occurring [...]


Electrical energy storage is often proposed as a solution for the mismatch between supply patterns of variable renewable electricity sources and electricity demand patterns. However, effectiveness and usefulness of storage may vary under different circumstances. This study provides [...]


Electrical energy storage is often proposed as a solution for the mismatch between supply patterns of variable renewable electricity sources and electricity demand patterns. However, effectiveness and usefulness of storage may vary under different circumstances. This study provides [...]


During the transition from central planning to market economies now under way in Eastern Europe, output levels first collapsed by 40 to 50 percent in most countries, then staged a modest recovery in the last two years. Longer-term revival of growth requires a resumption of investment [...]


Myanmar’s decentralization of governance, financing and service delivery is taking place against aparticularly challenging backdrop. Myanmar is a country with considerable geographic and socialdiversity and a history of isolation, [...]


Slovakia’s transport sector has not suffered from the dramatic reductions in demand and neglect of its infrastructure that have afflicted many of its neighbors. However, current under-maintenance is eating away at the stock of transport [...]