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The publication of a letter by Fuster addressed to the author of this article in 28 August 1984, in which anecdotes and characters of the Catalan culture from the first third of the 16th century are dealt with in a humorous and free and easy manner, is the author's pretext to reconstruct [...]


This essay vindicates the interest of the study of 17th and 18th century Valencian, in opposition to traditional stereotypes that derogatively classify it as presumably a period of literary and socio-linguistic decline. Summing up previous works and with a large new body of evidence, [...]


Abstract: This article speaks about the presence of the Castillian language in the Valencian society from XVI to XIX centuries. It pays special attention to its influence on drama and preaching.


A partir de los antiguos y modernos escritos que instruyen al gran terrateniente sobre cómo tratar la agricultura y la silvicultura, con sus sirvientes, vasallos y esclavos, se plantea la cuestión de la relación entre la organización de la casa grande como instalación de producción [...]