
The benefits of climate adaptation policy are sometimes underestimated because its nonuse values perceived by people indirectly affected are usually ignored. Using data from a representative sample of Beijing’s urban population, it is shown that people living at a distance perceive [...]


L’àmbit de la justícia és un dels elements claus en la definició de l’estat del Benestar, per l’impacte que tenen les seves accions sobre els drets, les garanties, la seguretat, etc., factors tots ells que configuren el benestar dels [...]


The objective of the present report D8.2 in relation with Task 8.3  in Work Package 8 was to provide cost benefit analysis support to FiBRESHiP partners throughout to entire project in the technical work packages related to the analysis of large-length fibre-based commercial [...]


The European Parliament has adopted regulation (EU) 2019/2144, which will make several ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) mandatory in new models from June 2022 onward and in all new vehicles from June 2024 onwards. However, due to the slow renewal of the vehicle fleet, it will [...]


The allocation of traffic between different transport modes follows transport user decisions which depend on the generalized cost of travel in the available alternatives. High Speed Rail (HSR) investment is a government decision with significant effects on the generalized cost of [...]


Cooperative systems which rely on vehicle-to-infrastructure communications are designed to tackle important road"br" transport issues, such as safety and pollution. Since the associated monetary commitment is substantial, a clear"br" understanding of the appropriate business models [...]


In the European Union there are more than 200 experiences of cities that have a Low Emission Zone, as a mechanism to reduce pollution caused by traffic in urban areas. This instrument adopts different names, "clean air zones", "environmental zones", "limited [...]


Governments worldwide face the difficult challenge of deciding which infrastructure projects to prioritize and select for implementation, given the limits of available funding and the need to attain their developmental goals. The key [...]


The World Bank Group, DFAT-Australia, and Carnival Australia have partnered to conduct this study of the economic impact of cruise ship tourism in Vanuatu. Data gathering and analysis for this study was carried out by Net Balance Management [...]


Infrastructure services are significant determinants of economic development, social welfare, trade, and public health. As such, they typically feature strongly in national development plans. While governments may receive many infrastructure [...]