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The purpose of this essay is basically informative; we are dealing with studies related to the prosody of spontaneous speech which are still not very well known in the world of Spanish linguistics (which includes Catalan linguistics). We offer a general state of affairs, and do not [...]


The aim of the authors of this paper is to offer a clarifying basis for conversation studies which would suggest several fruiful areas of analysis. Without claiming an affiliation to one specific approach, the authors point out a series of concepts an methods which, they think, ara [...]


Aquest treball pretén donar compte de la dimensió pragmàtica de la cohesió a través de l’anàlisi d’un text argumentatiu conversacional. El treball se situa en el marc teòric de la Gramàtica Discursiva Funcional («Functional Discourse Grammar», FDG, Hengeveld & Mackenzie [...]


Elvira Teruel offers a wiew of metaphor as a natural device of human cognition instead of a pure ornamental tool. Metaphor is then shown as a factor of meaning construction pervasive across different kinds of discourse, including conversation and jounalistic discourse.