
Spain is among the countries where online sales are growing fastest, with well over 2,000 activeo nline stores. However, there are not yet many trained and experienced eCommerce professionals, which presents an opportunity for those with knowledge of Information Management to colonize [...]


The concept of "big data" is explained as a system of analyzing large amounts of data to discover trends, patterns, correlations and even causality to generate predictions. This discipline can be adapted to the context of the daily work of the information professional dealing with [...]


Introduction to the web analytics concept and its application to library portals. It is proposed to establish the goals the library wants to reach and then to define indicators to measure their achievement, such as number of visits, time connected to the web, conversion to book loans, [...]


Strategic reflections on analysis of traffic sources for library websites. In an environment where search engine optimisation, exposure to the social web and visitor loyalty become prominent features in web analytics metrics, there is a need for a benchmark with commercial sites to [...]


Effectiveness of longitudinal search analytics is studied, in the sense that search log analysis can be used as a tool to enhance website information architecture. A methodology of analysis is described, obtaining the seasonality of queries through the combination of studies on internal [...]


On the internet, statistical tools are essential to measure the results of online marketing campaigns. The lack of those tools is annoying because companies cannot make decisions based only on intuition and expectations. A webmaster has to know clearly the objectives and targets, [...]


The digital realm increasingly recognizes the relevance of “opinion leaders” or influential users: those who, through their online activity (publishing tweets and blog posts, updating social networks status, recommending readings, etc.) create or filter content to people over [...]


Las etiquetas “Lo más visto”, “Lo más compartido” y “Lo más comentado” son ejemplos de la lógica que las herramientas de analítica web imponen a los medios digitales en un ecosistema informativo en el que la audiencia, que hoy se puede cuantificar más al detalle [...]


A tour is provided of the features, possibilities, scientific, technical and technologies that are collected under the interdisciplinary umbrella of big data and web analytics from the point of view of its application in practice. A reflection is offered about the challenges, risks [...]