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Information and communication technologies (ICT) are imposing a radical reform in journalism and media education. Without a strategic, participatory pedagogical vision, journalism and media literacy will not work to the advantage of the plan for a democratic and inclusive information [...]


The Mobility4EU project created a vision for a user-centric and cross-modal European transport system in 2030 and an action plan to implement that vision. We used a combination of creative and analytical methods to come from problem identification to the action plan applying a user-centric [...]


The practice of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) has developed substantially during the last decade, calling for more qualified professionals. Education, training, and growth capacity for MSP, however, are (still) some of the less addressed themes in MSP forums and specific learning [...]


Scenario describing the future include many disruptive innovations, which implies that traditional models calibrated on historical data are not always applicable for quantification of these scenarios. This paper describes disruptive changes to be expected which will influence the [...]


simulator study has been conducted demonstrating a positive effect on airsickness by utilizing a 3D artificial Earth-fixed visual pattern. Participants were exposed to the same turbulent physical aircraft motion in a simulator three times in a row, each time using a different visual [...]


While road lane markings detection was extensively studied, in particular for intelligent vehicle applications, the detection and recognition of all kind of marking such as arrows, crosswalks, zebras, words, pictograms, continuous and discontinuous lane markings was drastically less [...]