
The findings reported in this deliverable reflect the state of knowledge up to their first submission date. A revised version will be submitted in August 2021 that will include more recent material. https://www.roadspace.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/MORE-D2.3_WITHOUT-CONFIDENTIAL-ANNEXE.pdf; [...]


La presente tesis de maestría contiene el desarrollo de una investigación que permite determinar el grado de mejora futuro en la movilidad de una zona de alta congestión vehicular para cualquier ciudad, a través de la medición de la variación del nivel de servicio en las vías [...]


Este trabalho apresentou um método de avaliação para sistemas de transporte público de uma cidade e da região metropolitana à qual ele pertence. No caso específico deste estudo, a cidade selecionada foi Fortaleza. A avaliação foi realizada do ponto de vista retrospectivo [...]


This thesis presents new evidences of negative impacts of traffic congestion in São Paulo Metropolitan Area, indicating that the omission or retardation of policy to alleviate that charges society with a high cost. Besides that, we shed light on Waze application\\'s impacts, evidencing [...]


Produced with the support of EUROCITIES as part of the CREATE (Congestion Reduction in Europe, Advancing Transport Efficiency) project, WP4 "Qualitative analysis of historical transport policy developments across 5 EU capital-cities".; International audience; Why have some cities [...]


International audience; Most of current managerial studies on Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) focus on future social and economic impacts of privately-owned AVs. In contrast, the present study aimed on carrying out an in-depth benchmark on successful experimentations with Autonomous Shuttles [...]


Shared mobility is widely discussed, yet only few travelers actually make use of shared services. Apart from personal characteristics, the supply and more specific the supply density of shared vehicles is assumed to be crucial for a widespread shared mobility usage. In this paper, [...]


Purpose Traffic congestion is a large-scale problem in urban areas all over the world that can lead to substantial costs for travellers and business operations. This paper focus on how to measure the way in which congestion selectively affects different traffic streams, with special [...]


Fins a la primavera de 2020 el teletreball era poc freqüent a Catalunya, tot i ser  tecnològicament factible. Malgrat les recomanacions des de les polítiques de conciliació laboral i de reducció de les externalitats ambientals dels desplaçaments [...]


The findings reported in this deliverable reflect the state of knowledge up to their first submission date. A revised version will be submitted in August 2021 that will include more recent material.; This report is the third WP2 deliverable. Drawing on the work done on the organizational, [...]