
Extreme natural and man-made events can harm the road infrastructure facilities with substantial economic"br" damages. The research presented in this paper focuses on the quantification of the availability and safety of road"br" infrastructure during the occurrence of extreme events. [...]


One of the challenges in urban tunnelling projects is to guarantee that the infrastructure assets crossing or adjacent to the tunnel alignment and other new build elements are not affected by the construction activity. Radar Satellite Interferometry (InSAR) is a non-invasive surveying [...]


The construction time and cost of a rock tunnel project are highly dependent on the rock mass quality and encountered ground behaviour. In most rock tunnel projects, the knowledge about the ground conditions along the tunnel is limited, making it difficult to predict accurately the [...]


The paper introduces the main concepts and criteria presented in the Guidelines on the Analysis, Conservation and Structural Restoration elaborated by the ICOMOS/ISCARSAH committee. The guidelines have been developed with the aim to provide guidance to experts and practitioners working [...]