
number of public codes exist for GPS (global positioning system) positioning and baseline determination in off-line mode. However, no software code exists for DGPS (differential GPS) exploiting correction factors at base stations, without relying on double difference information. [...]


prototype for an operational ship routing Decision Support System using time-dependent meteo-oceanographic fields is presented. The control variable is ship course, which is modified using a directional resolution of less than 27 degrees. The shortest path is recovered using a modified [...]


This paper covers the current state of maritime oil transportation in the Baltic Sea and the development of oil transportation in the 2000s, as well as estimations of transported oil volumes in 2020 and 2030 in the Gulf of Finland. The scenarios were formulated on the basis of a current [...]


The autonomous ship technology has become a “hot” topic in the discussion about more efficient, environmentally friendly and safer sea transportation solutions. The time is becoming mature for the introduction of commercially sensible solutions for unmanned and fully autonomous [...]


lot of attentions are being paid to ship's intelligent anti-collision by researchers. Several solutions have been introduced to find an optimum trajectory for ship, such as Game Theory, Genetic or Evolutionary Algorithms and so on. However, ship's maneuverability should be taken into [...]


utomatic Identification System (AIS) is primarily used as a tracking system for ships, but with the launch of satellites to collect these data, new and previously untested possibilities are emerging. This paper presents the development of heuristics for establishing the specific ship [...]