
Under hösten 2013 offentliggjorde den svenska regeringen att man vill investera i att bygga ut Stockholms tunnelbana. Denna utbyggnad innefattar nio nya stationer, Sofia på Södermalm är en av dessa stationer. På grund av platsens förutsättningar kommer stationen bli en av de [...]


The Cañaveral shopping center is located on a low slope formed by recent alluvial deposits of low consistency, supported on sedimentary rock of the Girón formation, which is found at depths that change abruptly between one and twelve meters in short distances, influenced by the [...]


It is known that the initially proposed circular/spherical rigid particle models are not able to match the ratio of the compressive strength to tensile strength that occurs in rock and the predicted macroscopic friction angle was much lower than the known hard rock experimental values. [...]


In this work three constitutive contact models that include softening are adopted for particle model fracture studies in both rock and concrete. For a single local contact, the constitutive contact model performance is initially compared in tensile, pure shear and shear tests under [...]