
AL amyloidosis and multiple myeloma result in extracellular deposition of insoluble fibrillary protein in tissue and organs. Untreated median survival is very poor, and even worse with cardiac involvement. Chemotherapy and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) have been [...]


Network convergence and new applications running on end-hosts result in increasingly variable and unpredictable traffic patterns. By providing origin-destination pairs with several possible paths, load-balancing has proved itself an excellent tool to face this uncertainty. Formally, [...]


This thesis evaluates U.S. Marine Corps Air Traffic Control (MATC) military occupational specialties (MOSs) to determine methods of reducing personnel attrition from the MATC Basic Course and revocation from operational forces. The author analyzes Marine Corps personnel data obtained [...]


Traffic congestion and its associated environmental effects pose a significant problem for large cities. Consequently, promoting and investing in green travel modes such as cycling is high on the agenda for many transport authorities. In order to target investment in cycling infrastructure [...]


In most of the metropolitan cities in India, the road use patterns are very different from those of developed countries. In Indian cities, roads are shared by non- motorized vehicles in large numbers. The rapid urbanization in India after independence has resulted in the faster development [...]


A novel approach is presented for efficiently training a neural network (NN)-based surrogate model when the training data set is to be generated using a computationally intensive high-fidelity computational model. The approach consists in using a Gaussian Process (GP), and more specifically, [...]


Compaction is one of the essential engineering techniques, performed to assure the stability of soils based on specified strength. However, in most construction projects such as large-scale projects, obtaining the desired compaction characteristics, namely optimum moisture content [...]


Workload and complexity measures are, as of today, often imprecise and subjective. Currently, two commonly used workload and complexity measuring formulas are Monitor Alert Parameter and the “Bars”, both using the same measurement variables; amount of aircraft and time. This study [...]


Macroseismic observations are a valuable tool, that can be used for the verification of site response and attenuation. Hence, in the framework of a bilateral project supported by Central European Investment Fund and with the extensive support of Global Earthquake Model Foundation [...]