
Spanish Golden Age Culture is an age of secrets and secrecy. Among its playwrights, Pedro Calderón de la Barca shows the most complex comprehension of this subject. During the entirety of his career he refers to it in numerous comedies, creates metaphors concerning different aspects [...]


Since the beginning of the XX century, public libraries have been contested. Initially, the biggest criticism was focused on those libraries which seemed a book deposit, and how they could cooperate to the development of the industrial society and also, afterwards, the post-industrial [...]


Los reportes epidemiológicos periódicos en Salud Publica son fundamentales para el buen desempeño de los sistemas de salud en un país. Los  programas, planes de salud y  la respectiva atención y resolución de estos problemas sanitarios ameritan de sistemas de información [...]


The Venezuelan Public Health Magazine (RVSP) is now four years old, with eight numbers to its credit, accumulating a total of 67 articles, for an average of 8 per number; it has been a hard but comforting work, which is appreciated when seeing its fruits, where only, to mention to [...]


Working conditions, housing and housing including all basic services, schooling, education, free time, citizen security, food and civil liberties, together constitute the conditions for people to enjoy a minimum level of Health. Likewise, equitable access to health care must be the [...]


The object of the present work of documentary and bibliographic research is to reconstruct the academic and administrative process carried out by Jose Maria Vargas at the Central University in Caracas during the period 1827-1829 upon the implementation of the Decree on the reorganization [...]


The deliverable will present the results and conclusions of the different fatigue tests to be performed. An interim report will be delivered by month M24 describing the regular fatigue tests (O° and 90° lay-ups) and results. This data is the only one required by the numerical models [...]


The report of deliverable D2.3 includes all the results of the durability tests performed during the extensive experimental campaign. The most relevant laboratory tests to evaluate the environmental performance of the various solutions are listed below: - Alternate and continuous [...]


Report containing a benchmark of the connection technologies in OWTP structures, their respective evaluation and selection. The report will also include the re-design and optimization of the most promising connections, supported by a detailed description of the experimental testing [...]