
We present a framework to investigate progressive collapse and robustness of 2D framed structures, subjected to multiple column removals. Progressive collapse is first simulated with an algorithm based on the Discrete Elements. The possible collapse mechanisms emerging from the simulations [...]


We present a framework to investigate progressive collapse and robustness of 2D framed structures, subjected to multiple column removals. Progressive collapse is first simulated with an algorithm based on the Discrete Elements. The possible collapse mechanisms emerging from the simulations [...]


This thesis is divided into two parts: in the first part the collapse of the WTC1, WTC 2 (Twin Towers) and WTC 7 buildings following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 is analysed. In the second part, the collapse type and strength of frame buildings with different topological [...]


This thesis is divided into two parts: in the first part the collapse of the WTC1, WTC 2 (Twin Towers) and WTC 7 buildings following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 is analysed. In the second part, [...]


Robustness plays a relevant role in the capacity of a structure to sustain abnormal loads or to deal with unexpected events with large effects, such as explosions and terroristic attacks. Such situations on dams may have extremely large consequences. For buildings, the design [...]