
The solution of problems in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) represents a classical field for the application of advanced numerical methods. Many different approaches were developed over [...]


The rise of GPUs in modern high-performance systems increases the interest in porting portion of codes to such hardware. The current paper aims to explore the performance of a portable [...]


This work is devoted to acceleration and upgrade of the CFD code NOISEtte for scale-resolving simulations of compressible turbulent flows using edge-based high-accuracy methods on unstructured hybrid meshes. Attempts to extend the baseline multilevel MPI+OpenMP parallelization towards [...]


Die-casting is a casting method suitable for mass production because it can accurately form complicated shapes. However, when the mold is filled with the molten metal, casting cavities (gas porosity) are generated due to air entrainment, and the strength of the product varies. In [...]