
The heated debate on the regulatory framework for airports has highlighted the importance of creating good institutions for air transport in general. This paper defines the concept of effective regulatory institutions for air transport. It also describes the value chain for air transport [...]


The stepwise liberalisation of the EU internal aviation market resulted in 1993 in an open internal market that generated a series of supply side responses, which are partly comparable with the changes demonstrated in the deregulated US domestic air transport market. However, the [...]


Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der simulationsbasierten Verkehrsplanung anhand eines Multi-Agenten-Ansatzes. Verkehrsplanerische Maßnahmen, wie Rück- oder Neubau von Infrastruktur, Änderungen in Fahrplänen, Maut oder Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen, können anhand der verwendeten [...]


For infectious diseases caused by highly pathogenic agents (e. g., Ebola/Lassa fever virus, SARS-/MERS-CoV, pandemic influenza virus) which have the potential to spread over several continents within only a few days, international Health Protection Authorities have taken appropriate [...]


This study is a publication issued by the Microeconomic Analysis service of the National Bank of Belgium, in partnership with the Department of Transport and Regional Economics of the University of Antwerp (UA). It is the outcome of a first research project on the Belgian airport [...]


Network analysis has already a long history in operations research and quantitative social science research. In the past, much attention has been paid to shortest-route algorithms (for example, the travelling salesman problem), where the spatial configuration of networks was put [...]


simulation model of international tourist flows is used to estimate the impact of including carbon dioxide emissions from aviation fuels in the European Trading System. The effect on global carbon dioxide emissions from international aviation is minimal: -0.01% at current permit [...]