
The engineering economics of an integrated coal-to-methanol conversion system and coal-in-methanol transportation system are examined, under the circumstances of the western coalfields, i.e., long distances from major markets and scarcity of water in the vicinity of the mines. The [...]


This paper discusses two ratios involving penetration resistance and shear-wave velocity (VS) that have been proposed for quantifying the influence of microstructure in aged and cemented soils for liquefaction assessment. The first ratio is the small-strain shear modulus (Gmax) divided [...]


The influence of soil crushability on the strength parameters of aragonite sand under cyclic undrained conditions is investigated in this study. The investigation used aragonite sand, which is known for being susceptible to crushing under normal loading conditions. A series of cyclic [...]


Chile is the third country with most tailing dams worldwide (764, of which 15% active, 62% inactive, and 23% abandoned). Today, one of the main challenges of the mining industry is to ensure environmental sustainability. To achieve this, it is not only necessary to have regulations [...]


The state of the practice to evaluate the dynamic liquefaction potential of a soil column entails the use of simplified methods that compares the cyclic stress ratio with the cyclic resistance ratio. One of the most used methods is the Boulanger & Idriss 2014, which relies on cone [...]


Major challenges are encountered in characterizing and performing liquefaction assessment of gravelly soils since performing traditional in-situ tests, such as the Cone Penetration Test (CPT), in gravelly soils can be challenging, and since gravelly soils are not well-represented [...]


Simplified methods for seismic liquefaction assessment based on the flat dilatometer test (DMT), in which the liquefaction triggering curve is defined based on the horizontal stress index (KD), have been proposed over the years. One major drawback of the existing methods, valid for [...]


The presence of a non-liquefiable crust overlying a liquefiable layer plays a significant role in determining the occurrence of liquefaction damage, as originally formulated by Ishihara in 1985. Following the 2010-2011 Canterbury seismic sequence (New Zealand), almost no foundation [...]


In the simplified methods for estimating the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) based on the flat dilatometer test (DMT), the liquefaction triggering curve is defined as a function of the horizontal stress index. A DMT-based calibration of a simplified pore water pressure model for effective [...]


On March 18, 2023, a Mw6.6 earthquake hit the South Guayas coastal region (Ecuador), resulting in human fatalities and extensive structural damage. The event triggered widespread soil liquefaction evidences by significant volume of ejected material, which persisted several weeks following [...]