
The traffic investigation is one of the most important parts of an Environmental Impact Statement of projects involving the construction of new roadway facilities and/or the improvement of existing ones. The focus of the traffic analysis is on the determination of anticipated traffic [...]


La presente tesis de maestría contiene el desarrollo de una investigación que permite determinar el grado de mejora futuro en la movilidad de una zona de alta congestión vehicular para cualquier ciudad, a través de la medición de la variación del nivel de servicio en las vías [...]


It is very complex to assure the dynamics of traffic networkin urban environment because of the intensity of traffic flowsand the limited space in the urban area. Signalized intersectionsare undoubtedly very important and frequent element inroad traffic network in urban regions, which [...]


In order to optimally allocate resources to help ensure that transport infrastructure networks continue to provide acceptable levels of service immediately, or as fast as possible, following the occurrence of extreme events, the resilience of the infrastructure need to be estimated. [...]


BSTRACT: Traffic delay is one of the most important factors used in intersection analysis. This study focused on the average delay by looking at different alternative junction models. These different models analyzed with and without signalization according to cycle length in order [...]


High urbanization rate and Economic development have caused many challenges to transportation systems. Among these, long time delay and high fuel consumption of vehicles at congestion places are a few to mention. Some literatures have revealed that road traffic congestions are [...]


Land transportation networks such as roads and other transportation facilities underpin socioeconomic development of communities by enabling fast and efficient movement of goods and people from one point to another. However, like any other infrastructures road networks are also [...]