
El periodismo deportivo se ha caracterizado por una serie de deficiencias éticas que han soslayado los estándares normativos de la profesión. Los instrumentos de rendición de cuentas pueden jugar un papel valioso para superar estas disfunciones. Teniendo esto en mente, el artículo [...]


The modern society's increasing mobility is placing a growing demand on traffic safety. An important way to meet this demand will be offered by on-board driver assistance systems. Introducing inter-vehicle communication allows these systems to use traffic data collected by other vehicles. [...]


Piezometers are instruments that can produce high-quality information if suitable and effective installation and monitoring procedures are followed. In order to minimise errors and optimise quality of the obtained information, we must pay attention when prescribing the type of piezometer [...]


Drilling boreholes for geotechnical purposes such as sampling and in situ tests is usually performed with the aid of drilling machines. In France, typically, the machine’s drilling parameters such as applied torque and thrust are monitored in realtime and registered so that information [...]