
Despite a recent surge in the number of studies attempting to measure inequality of opportunity in various countries, methodological differences have so far prevented meaningful international comparisons. This paper presents a comparison of ex-ante measures of inequality of economic [...]


Since 2021 the Russian tax policy relies on greater use of progressive taxation in order to mitigate income inequality. In fact, personal income tax scale has been reformed; however, this [...]


In the presented work, various aspects and methods for conducting a quantitative assessment of the relationship between income inequality and the level of institutionalization of the country's [...]


L’objectiu de l’anàlisi és mesurar la desigualtat  d’ingressos de les llars a Espanya i a Catalunya en temps real a partir de dades de moviments bancaris. Els ingressos de les famílies en els últims anys han estat sotmesos a xocs [...]


Empirical analyses on income and wealth inequality and those in other fields in economics and finance often face the difficulty that the data is heterogeneous, heavy-tailed or correlated in some unknown fashion. The paper focuses on applications of the recently developed t-statistic [...]