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The need for real usability testing analysis is discussed, since the assumption that classical usability heuristics are not capable to cope every possible web information system use scenario. Also, a really easy and cheap way to develop real user tests based on low-fidelity protypes [...]


Given rapid advancement of automated driving (AD) technologies in recent years, major car makers promise the commercialization of AD vehicles within one decade from now. However, how the automation should interact with human drivers remains an open question. The objective of this [...]


Part 5: Case Studies; International audience; Passenger acceptance is a key factor for the successful integration, uptake and use of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in the domain of public transportation. Especially knowing opinions and attitudes around safety, comfort and convenience. [...]


When designing experimental studies in the driving domain, an important decision is which driving scenarios to include. It is proposed that HMI need to be adaptive to the complexity of the driving situation, in order to avoid overloading the driver. To further study adaptive HMI [...]


When designing experimental studies in the driving domain, an important decision is which driving scenarios to include. It is proposed that HMI need to be adaptive to the complexity of the driving situation, in order to avoid overloading the driver. To further study adaptive HMI [...]


Understanding how humans control a vehicle (cars, aircraft, bicycles, etc.) enables engineers to design faster, safer, more comfortable, more energy efficient, more versatile, and thus better vehicles. In a typical control task, the Human Controller (HC) gives control inputs to a [...]


utomated vehicles are gradually entering the market and the technology promises to increase road safety and comfort, amongst other advantages. An important construct guiding humans' interaction with safety-critical systems is trust, which is especially relevant as most drivers are [...]


The concept of trajectory-based operations as proposed by SESAR and NextGen seeks to increase airspace efficiency and capacity by introducing time as an explicit control variable. Such form of operations lean heavily on the introduction of higher levels of automation to support the [...]