
Traditional geotechnical investigation consisting of drilling many of boreholes, soil sampling and lab testing becomes uneconomical and time consuming for large and geologically intricate areas. In such cases, non-destructive geophysical surveys offer a time-efficient and economical [...]


The horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) passive seismic method consists in processing measurements of ambient noise performed in three perpendicular directions. The objective is to define the primary resonant frequency of the site and estimate its amplification characteristics, [...]


Six structural domains were defined using data from acoustic televiewers and oriented boreholes as part of the reopening of the old Aznalcóllar mining site in Sevilla, southern Spain, by Minera Los Frailes (MLF). Additionally, geotechnical subdomains were defined within each structural [...]


Offshore wind plays a pivotal role in enhancing Europe's energy security and achieving energy decarbonization goals. However, expediting offshore wind deployment necessitates efficient and economical site investigation surveys. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel approach [...]


Understanding subsurface conditions is critical to creating and maintaining resilient infrastructure systems, such as dams and levees. Seismic geophysical tools can be very effective for site characterization of these structures as they directly measure the elastic moduli and can [...]


The presence of a non-liquefiable crust overlying a liquefiable layer plays a significant role in determining the occurrence of liquefaction damage, as originally formulated by Ishihara in 1985. Following the 2010-2011 Canterbury seismic sequence (New Zealand), almost no foundation [...]


The Cañaveral shopping center is located on a low slope formed by recent alluvial deposits of low consistency, supported on sedimentary rock of the Girón formation, which is found at depths that change abruptly between one and twelve meters in short distances, influenced by the [...]


The Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga is located within one of the three seismic nests in the world and therefore presents a high seismic and geotechnical threat (INGEOMINAS, 2001), therefore certain zones, especially those with alluvial and colluvial deposits, have limitations for [...]