
Presentation held at the second public workshop of the FIBRESHIP project, held at La Ciotat, France, on 25th of June 2019.
The second public workshop of the FIBRESHIP project offered to the participants a chance to discuss the different composite [...]


Kuituvahvisteisia polymeereja eli lujitemuoveja käytetään nykyisin laajalti kevyiden alusten runkorakenteissa, kun aluksen pituus on enintään 50 metriä. Näitä komposiittimateriaaleja käyttämällä voidaan saavuttaa suurempi [...]


Eurooppalaisen FIBRESHIP-tutkimusprojektin tavoitteena on kehittää suunnittelu- ja tuotantomenetelmäkokonaisuus, joka mahdollistaa yli 50 metrin pituisen laivan rungon ja kansirakenteen valmistamisen kuitulujitteisista muovikomposiiteista. Projektissa suoritettiin [...]


The fire safety effect of using fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) as the primary construction material in a fishing research vessel was studied by fire simulations. The effect of FRP structures on fire development was assessed by comparing the simulated gas temperatures and potential [...]


Bio-based building products are considered key in our future socio-economic environment, since they are a very relevant nature-based solution (NbS) to climate change. The statement of President von der Leyen (European commission) to turn the construction sector into a carbon sink [...]


This paper describes the research performed within the scope of H2020 project FIBRE4YARD in the development of a suitable thermo-mechanical framework to analyse composite structures under fire loads. The thermo-mechanical model uses the adiabatic temperature to obtain the through-thickness [...]