
The study focuses on the fact that, in major Russian cities, up to 80% of the negative impact on the environment is formed by motor transport emissions. The authors analyze the indicators of the negative impact due to the forced increase in the Russian fleet and the age pattern of [...]


"Aquest document presenta un anàlisi de la inversió pública escomesa a Catalunya i Espanya en els últims temps. La Formació Bruta de Capital Fix executada pel total de les Administracions Públiques en aquests [...]


The paper presents the results of the analysis of measures of budgetary support for cities in Russia, taking into account the sectoral structure of the city's economy. The case study [...]


Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and tax policies to influence economic conditions. Fiscal policies have existed for a long time, with major debates between proponents of the Keynesian model and the monetary approach. Fiscal policy can either be contractionary, [...]