
Report regarding state-of-the-art solutions and future options in the area of sustainable energy for buildings. This report is part of WP3 Roadmapping Smart Buildings of the R4E project.


Report regarding state-of-the-art solutions and future options in the area of sustainable energy for urban spaces This report is part of WP5 Roadmapping Smart Urban Spaces of the R4E project.


This paper identifies the risks for the functionality and reliability of the grid that arise from the integration of the transport and supply chain. The electrification of transport is a promising option for the transition to a low carbon energy and transport system. But on the short [...]


Within the framework of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda, this study analyzes the role of the energy sector in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through a resource-based [...]


Today there is a broad consensus that mitigating the effects of the energy and climate crisis requires the substitution of fossil resources for renewable energies in the coming decades. The Paris Agreements of 2015 (COP 21) set a limit on the increase in the average temperature [...]


A la darrera Cimera del Clima (COP28) celebrada a Dubai al desembre de 2023, es menciona, per primera vegada, la urgència d’una transició energètica que abandoni el carbó, el petroli i el gas, els principals causants del canvi climàtic. [...]


smart charging profile was implemented on 39 public charging stations in Amsterdam on which the current level available for electric vehicle (EV) charging was limited during peak hours on the electricity grid (07:00&ndash 08:30 and 17:00&ndash 20:00) and was increased during the [...]


In terms of energy, the Earth is an open system: it constantly receives energy from solar radiation and emits the same amount of energy in the form of more degraded radiation; the displacement of the equilibrium point between these two flows due to the growth of greenhouse gases, [...]




Justificació: Amb el RD 244/2019 de 5 d’abril es va obrir la porta a poder compartir energia autogenerada entre punts de generació i de consum que complissin determinades condicions, i popularment es va començar a parlar de Comunitats [...]