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The “blockchain” belongs to the family of the so-called DLTs “Distributed Ledger Technologies”. According to many experts, these will be the basis of a new revolution that will make the “internet of information” evolve towards an “internet of value”. The numerous fields [...]


The balance of the activity of Spanish archives in 2011 is remarkably satisfactory. Areas where improvement has led to a more relevant improvement (document management regulations, digital preservation, access, human rights) and the need for increased efforts in training, archival [...]


Review of major 2011 developments in the field of bibliographic cataloguing, document management and documentary languages. The use of content management systems for web publishing, the emergence of new approaches such as web experience management and the integration of web productivity [...]


Based on experiencies in document and knowledge management, the article explains ten aspects that must be considered in order to carry out successfully a project on document management.


The entry into force of the Spanish act about digital access (Ley 11/2007, BOE  n. 150, de 23/6/2007) has produced a decisive impact on the development of records management projects in organizations. The Entitat Autònoma del Diari Oficial i de Publicacions , the body that publishes [...]


The electronic management of documents and records is facing major challenges: the integration of document processes and checks in routine work processes; risk analysis; techniques and controls needed to manage records and digital evidence controls (metadata, digital signature, authenticity, [...]


Key factors for the future of Archival science are identified and prioritized from the views of a small group of professionals and researchers, using the qualitative technique of consensus-building. The study has identified 70 factors distributed among five variables: the future of [...]


Zyncro opens a new dimension in corporate documentation management, based on the well-known concept of intranets and adapting it to the new 2.0 culture of collaboration and work online. Internal communications in public and private organizations are alive, and their flows of interaction [...]


Summary of the historical evolution of document management processes in the Spanish regional newspaper Levante-EMV from its privatization in 1984 to the present. First, it points out the historical stages that have been traditionally identified in print media archives, overlaid with [...]


The selection of a library management system is often affected by social, economic and political conditions that may result in an inappropriate choice for a library’s needs, characteristics and functions. Free software, or freeware, is one of the more often selected solutions, given [...]