
A review of the state of digital media in Spain in 2007 considers the following aspects: redesign, new newspapers, use of video services, participation services, and free access to digital archives.


In last years, many archives, libraries and museums are exploring, participating in, or simply using resources that social networks offer on the internet. The so-called web 2.0 has enabled a new context for these institutions to present their collections and activities to new users. [...]


The article presents a survey of international research studies and development in digital preservation, devoting a section to the situation in Spain. The author outlines applications in areas such as institutional repositories, administrative records, personal archives, aerospace [...]


Management of digital objects -pictures or other kinds of digital files- is a major challenge for organizations. It is a strategic process that involves several tasks within the institution, from the digitization of a physical document to the right document management process, through [...]


Since its launch several years ago, Europeana has continued to improve the quantity and quality of its content, attempting to offer new services and differentiate itself from the more popular search engines. The Assets  project has contributed to this goal by developing innovative [...]


TVE (Spanish public TV) news services have undergone a great changeover to a digital production system. The current situation after five years of experience is described, along with the evolution of tools, procedures and professional profiles during this time. The new design of [...]


The Industrial Heritage of the country helps us to understand how the current realities have been built, representing an important part of the cultural legacy of Catalonia.
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