
Lorcan Dempsey has formulated the brilliant concept of the "facilitated collection”, which represents what the academic library collection should be today. Library collections have traditionally been dominated by print logic, where size and closeness are core values. This logic [...]


The current relevance of LGTBI collections in public libraries is studied; these collections are included and prescribed in the recent laws for equality in Spanish regions such as Galicia, Catalonia, Extremadura, Madrid, Murcia, and Balearic Islands. After reflecting on the visibility [...]


After the introduction of electronic journals collections in academic libraries the next step is to expand the existing collections of books and reference materials with new content in digital format. The international publishing industry is currently offering their books in digital [...]


The objective of this study is to establish which document types are considered essential for learning at universities and, therefore, are recommended to students. Additionally, an analysis was conducted to determine if electronic resources are a part of the recommended reading lists [...]


The objective of this study is to establish which document types are considered essential for learning at universities and, therefore, are recommended to students. Additionally, an analysis was conducted to determine if electronic resources are a part of the recommended reading lists [...]